Rayce Archer

Put a big old coffee maker on the back of the toilet! It sure worked for that guy with the Sonic comic.

I’m glad I read your post before making my own crack about how much it looks like a Venza. I’m not sure I’d even notice it on the road, save for the fact than Venzas are ALSO kind of rare.

I cannot overstate this:

I feel like the alt right just discovered Tumblr storytime. That list of “hate crimes” reads like “Opa Homeless Style” if it ended with “everybody heiled” instead of “everybody clapped.”

Post up bro.

Finally, a recovery vehicle for my fleet of Toyota technicals!

I totally buy Steve Bannon having non-white friends. I assume they’re mostly African pre-vat-3 priests who do psychic surgery and throw gay people off roofs, but I believe that they exist.

Let’s be real clear on something.

Bro I’m sorry McLarens are the most boring supercar. They’ve literally made the same thing over and over with incremental improvements for a decade. Are they fast? Amazingly light? Extremely race-capable? Sure. And toast is a valid choice at breakfast.

It’s pretty rad living in a collapsing empire, very stoked to Guam to go its own way and a bunch of weird niche political parties to pop up

His drift was performed relatively safely in a location where people expected there to be rally cars.

Well, they were pretty cheap. You can probably get a lightly used one for next to nothing. Otherwise I guess because you want an SUV with none of the practical advantages of an SUV, or maybe you are a mentally sick person and wanted a Dodge Avenger but you couldn’t find one.

Would there be any benefit to hydrogen ICEs vs hydrogen fuel cells? I would think it’s more efficient to bleed electrons via chemical reaction than to explode the hydrogen then convert that to mechanical work.

Clean Rides

Car wrecks are the biggest part of death by misadventure in almost every country that has cars. Because of the importance of cars to economies in these countries, this information is usually finessed a little - for instance you will often see car fatalities grouped under “alcohol fatalities” in the USA, where they

Wait so if I drive a regular bulldozer enough I can drive a super bulldozer that bulldozes fire?

The issue of losing the balls could be resolved by having the driver claw doodads extend into their southern hemispheres. That doesn’t resolve the problem caused by the same surface being both driven and hitting the road, but you could probably ease that with a tread instead of smooth spheres.

We’re also the birthplace of the cruise missile, but nobody brags about that