Rayce Archer

I mean, more people care about trans rights than enjoy the Cormoran Strike novels for sure

Remember when WB made that Lord of the Rings game everyone liked so they made a sequel that was all microtransactions and included a DLC that used the pretext of cancer charity donations for a dead developer to rob overseas buyers, and when people on Steam complained they hired a child molester to moderate their

“I want to say whatever I want about whomever I please, but - and this is the crucial part - I want to be protected from the same thing happening to me! Otherwise, what’s even the point?”

Wow. Seeing that with people in it, that is just COMICALLY little. Still, undeniably cool car.

You know what, that’s on me. I forgot that the internet is such a debased cesspit of idiotic opinions that “bleeding-heart moon liberals” doesn’t automatically read as a joke. My bad. You know, there probably ARE a subset of Alex Jones fans who think our moon supremacy is being cock-blocked by the left somehow and

I had no idea we escaped Apollo parts. Was that intentional, or did it just kinda happen?

I think those results speak to what we already knew: Ram only exists for brand snobs who think buying a dodge will debase them, and the little sheep stamp somehow makes their car better.

thusfar, everything humans have put in orbit, including the ISS, isn’t totally outside our atmosphere. That means over time, the orbit of any object will degrade. Typically for satellites, this is a pretty short time - there have probably been telecom satellites launched and crashed within the span the ISS has

So which of this thing’s innumerable exhaust pipes are functional? What is the roof scoop supposed to be cooling, and wouldn’t it be sucking up mostly hot air from the back of the hood cowl?

I mean, he probably has to. The whole point of stealing these cars is to sell them at prices your clientele won’t pay retail, and you need to pay to send them wherever they’re getting unloaded - once everyone takes their cut, I doubt the thief is pocketing anything close to the value of the car.

These cars are definitely headed for Mexico or Eastern Europe - given the popularity of German cars there, I suggest the latter. It probably wouldn’t be hard to catch this dude if they just pin down his shipper, but freight shipping operates with a virtually total lack of regulatory oversight so good luck with that.

I think he meant Jeremy Clarkson bro

I’m already the drift king

As long as you hit it with stainless steel primer first, it should be fine; a few folks have already done it and it looks better in almost any color other than “steel.” A lot of people are also wrapping them, and that’s... a less good idea. Stainless steel needs to oxidize slowly at its surface to resist broader

the 1,500-mile truck also has 24-inch GPC V1 wheels rapped in 35-inch tires

Dear Honda: bring back the Del Sol, you COWARDS!

I can fix sexually submit to her

Get fucked you killjoy, we’re talking about BELT CARS

I mean, sure it looks good. It would look the same if the panels were stamped too, though. I guess the panels being milled means they will flex less? But you’d have to have a close eye on the sides of the car, while it’s in motion, to even notice.

You know you’re in for fun when there’s a second layer of reflective foil insulation around the exhaust because the first layer on the firewall ISN’T ENOUGH.