Rayce Archer

Maintain the Aston. at 14 years you’ve already ridden out the worst of the depreciation and it’s gonna start curving back up any year now. The Vantage isn’t a very exotic exotic, but at that age, and with that budget you aren’t getting anything nearly as unique new.

I think it’s really admirable that a handful of drugs for weird niches still do the whole “no, we’re for this industrial application” marketing strategy. Although it’s probably pretty confusing for classic physical media enthusiasts, or big gay party animals who accidentally drop a few mils of pure acetone.

I wonder if, had the charger actually been locked in, there would have been some sort of detectable feedback on the cable so you wouldn’t overpull? But that seems like something you would DOCUMENT.

Come on, you don’t appreciate notorious gay icon (checks notes) Maersk?

Agreed. I can think of nobody more appropriate to have a bespoke Porsche supercar than a rich mechanic who dailies it. Good on that dude.

Well, you get to tell people that you own a ten thousand dollar bicycle

That’s a really good deal for a good condition used Scout. Is something wrong with it? CONVINCE ME SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH IT.

It’s not really clear what else the city can do at this point.

I mean I didn’t really need ANOTHER reason to never go on a cruise, I already have poverty, thalassophobia, enochlophobia, and IBS, but okay

Is it possible - and hear me out here - that Skelton doing an awful Mexican accent opposite actual Mexican-American and notoriously sonorous dude Ricardo Montalban is in fact part of the joke about what a shabby con man he is, and not a cruel dig in broad strokes against all Latin Americans? Because I feel like that’s

It’s wild how there are all these horrible diseases most Americans don’t know or care about that are absolutely horrifying to most of the world. Like you hear “watch out for Snookiwooki they have it in Florida now” then you google it and it turns out Snookiwooki kills 350 million people a year through eye bleeding.

So the bad news is that mosquitos are actually pretty important. The males don’t drink blood - they are pollinators who eat nectar. Mosquitos are also a key food source for birds, bats, and some freshwater fish. Because larger animals eat all of those, eliminating the mosquito would have a cascading effect up the food

Here’s a whole press piece about the retention clause for the 911 S/T: https://www.thedrive.com/news/porsche-911-s-t-will-be-leased-to-buyers-for-the-first-year-to-deter-scalpers

Cynical mode:

Just a reminder that Ford did this with both the second and third generation GT, and Porsche does it with almost every new model. This is a pretty standard tactic to control prices and generate exclusivity. It’s shitty, sure, but it’s not exclusive to Tesla.

Hey, a Cybertruck that’s actually rust-resistant

What’s ironic is that while this article is a whole lot of nothing, back in the 80s an employee of Toyota’s Japanese financing bank formed Happy Science, arguably the most influential cult in Japan (now that most of Aum Shinriku’s members are dead or in prison). I guess that wouldn’t have let them also rope in TikTok

I saw Blue Thunder, I have a pretty good idea what the cops are up to in that last 10% of flight time