Steering lag would make the driver’s reaction delay WORSE, it’s not a minimum bar that has to fit inside it. First you react to turn the wheel, then the turn happens.
Steering lag would make the driver’s reaction delay WORSE, it’s not a minimum bar that has to fit inside it. First you react to turn the wheel, then the turn happens.
I think that would be true IF so many car companies didn’t also own the financing banks that most car buyers go through for their loans. As it is now, they do, and so selling cars at a sub-MSRP price to the dealer is more than worth it when they also collect interest on a loan for potentially tens of thousands of…
“Who drives the TVR Sagaris?”
The downside to pushing a crooked system full of criminals that only exists to let you false advertise the prices of your products before grossly inflating them is that those criminals might also cheat you
Tell me you stopped reading at exactly that point without telling me you stopped reading at exactly that point
Eisenhower also machine-gunned veterans instead of paying them and dumped a boatload of Mexican dudes in Sonora to die of exposure, so maybe we should take his advice with a grain of salt
The A-10's close attack capability is largely useless. During the Gulf War, when the A-10 had its best overall showing, the vast majority of its kills were with missiles and bombs. The F-35 is very capable as a ground attack plane, it just can’t tank armor head-on, but it doesn’t need to - and realistically, neither…
I mean, they probably let him do it because he wasn’t supposed to be driving
I’m in favor of the model most Scandanavian countries use, where you are ONLY allowed to campaign using allotted tax funds. No self-funded candidacy, no donations, no PACs. Just demonstrate you have a credible campaign, and you get the same small stipend as everyone else. I also don’t think we do enough to limit…
I guess we should be greatful, with AV club gone, Quartz being entirely sponsored content, The Root peremptorily disabling comments because they publish exclusively bad takes, and Kotaku turning off comments because their EiC is a loon, Jalopnik is the last one of these things where we CAN talk about how bad the…
At this point, Jalop writers are probably leaving errors in to reassure us they aren’t generative AI. As opposed to before, when they just weren’t being paid enough to care.
I mean, you could make a very legitimate argument that Republicans have been purely an opposition party since Vietnam, defining themselves only by arguing against any other tractable perspective. And when there IS no opposing viewpoint - as in the case of the AIDS crisis - their solution is to do nothing whatsoever.…
I had a Plymouth Voyager, and eventually the rear windows stopped moving at all, and the little ventilation windows in the third row stopped latching. Later on I had a Jeep Liberty, and eventually EVERY SINGLE WINDOW REGULATOR broke. I replaced the front 2, then replacement parts got too expensive so I gave up.
I don’t get RVs. They’re a horrible hybrid of cars and tents that aren’t good to drive and aren’t real camping. And like, the low end price for a new motor home is 50 grand, how many nights in actual hotels could you afford JUST on the interest for that?
Yeah I had a Chrysler and a Jeep and hard pass from me too. I like windows that close.
IP isn’t really the issue here. Musk doesn’t design or engineer anything. But he has legions of fans who give him generous amounts of cultural capital - not only rabid stans who spend all day on Twitter begging for his attention, but normal, not-terminally-online folks who just vaguely recognize him as “that science…
So this or a Raptor?
I think the fear on the part of the board is that Musk’s cult of personality is the real reason they actually sell cars. And that’s not a totally unreasonable fear, right? Like, no normie is going to order a cybertruck, that’s entirely a toy for rich techbro fans. So the concern would be that if they drive Musk out,…