Rayce Archer

Why do you hate FREEDOM

Yeah, if you compare that to other major feature rollouts, like ABS, automatic transmission, or seatbelts, 500% increased adoption in 8 years is pretty reasonable. I think the issue right now is that car makers are still treating electric cars as a lifestyle product and not just a powertrain option. Of course the lack

So do you have any sources for all that, or

With our new ghost processing, our sixteen-core ZPU (zombie processing unit) can power through 48 terraspooks of cutting-edge Ghoulvision® graphics, delivering blazing fast performance*.

There are a million people on Etsy who will hydro-dip your console shell for you; Microsoft couldn’t find someone to do it for them?

This was a suicide in the same way that the death of the president’s child trafficker friend in federal custody, just before he could out his child trafficking clients, during a time when his two guards both took a break they refuse to explain, in a cell that was somehow not recorded to CCTV for just that day, was a

It is worth noting that many suicides can seem to have come “out of the blue,”

It’s just too bad Olivia Hussey is too old to play live action Kasan Moor.

The thing about WW1984 is that it’s bad in such weird, confusing ways I can’t imagine it’s JUST her fault. And knowing what an utter trash fire WB films, and the DCEU in particular, are behind the scenes, I’m not prepared to say “Patty is a bad director because her movie is bewildering nonsense.”

Anyone who owns an Audi has killed, or has tried to kill. Audi owners have the souls of murderers and dumb predatory beasts.

I bet Hiam Saban has some thoughts about this


Bro gotta reign in the moral degeneracy or he’s gonna have to apologize to Xi again

Agreed. There is no one solution - solar is cheap and powerful but unreliable, wind is expensive and situational but very effective, tidal is great but only works on coasts, and so on. I see nuclear as kind of the fallback to all of those - the reality is that nuclear plants are VERY expensive to build and run, so

I think the takeaway is that this truck WAS casually advertised as bulletproof, with no further information - the actual information is that it is exactly as bulletproof as sheet steel. There are real, actual armored vehicles out there that have more specific, useful ratings for what they can resist. But, it’s

Cars account for about a third of US greenhouse gas emissions. The rest is power plants, factories, and shipping. But the buck can’t be passed to citizens for those like it can for cars. So to all you anti-regulation “THE LIBS TOOK ME HEMI” boomers: if we went to solar and nuclear NOW, you wouldn’t need more efficient

To be fair, “this guy everybody likes died, I guess I should read his book” is the basis of almost every world religion and fifty percent of governments

The best thing is that after you finish Chrono Trigger, there’s a sequel on Playstation that’s even better in every way!

I will not make bad choices

Don’t forget that for the first couple of crashes, Boeing explicitly blamed the inferior piloting skills of foreign pilots. Classy.