Rayce Archer

Yeah, normal transmission shutdowns in other AWD cars don’t apply here because there IS no transmission. This seems like a developmental workaround that just stayed in. Like, what if you were offroading and you rolled back down an embankment, you would still want to gun it back UP if you needed to, right?

That rules.

I mean the whole dealer system exists as a massive price-fixing workaround for monopoly laws, so I’d say 76% of Americans know what’s up

If it were an elder scrolls game, Cloud would just dodge-tank all the critical items in the game, cheat his way into the Impact Crater by exploiting the collision hulls around it, then pwn Sephiroth during a 15 second grace period created by downing 500 potions. And you know, Square has made exactly ONE final fantasy

I mean, it won’t be. But it COULD be.

Also I just re-read this and this part:

He’s so busy stealing other dude’s women he hasn’t had time to swim through a pile of pills like Scrooge McDuck in a while.

Control is great, but all the air went out of it in the DLC. They clearly phoned those in, presumably for purely contractual reasons. One thing Control definitely convinced me of is that Remedy could make a killer remake of Hybrid Heaven. I’d love to see their take on a secret agent with drug-induced amnesia disguised

The... Brotherhood? Like, THE brotherhood?

Also this car has an aluminum frame that is partially glued, so while it may look okay overall, it’s probably riddled with irreparable cracks and separated structural members.

I don’t want a remake, Chrono Trigger is already perfect. I want a sequel or gameplay-identical sister game that isn’t confusing edgelord tripe.

Isn’t the real antisemitism attesting that committing genocide is a necessary and intrinsic part of a Jewish state? Or are you just stupid?

5, by a huge margin

With the Unimog, you don’t go to jail for changing your oil. So there’s that.

I mean, you still can’t just go buy a Cybertruck yet, right? They’re only delivering pre-orders via an ill-defined, extremely uncontrolled production line in existing facilities that are still making other cars, right?

The year is 2027. It is time for lunch. I rent 30 minutes of operating time from my car and drive down the tier-2 highway for individuals with revoked birthright citizenship to Wendys. The drive-through AI informs me that due to a boom in people eating, my son of Baconator meal will be thirty-five dollars. I try to

I’m Big Solid Collie

Oh good, now Zoomers can experience the joy of idling for hats.

That’s a good looking McLaren