Rayce Archer

It’s an F2P arena shooter, they’ll make a campaign if they sell enough MTX

When DC movies suck it’s because the woke left mob forced the studio to ruin them by committee. All we need is a 4 hour version where everyone is horrible, and it’ll be great.

Honestly the musical is what clicked it for me. I couldn’t get into the book or the film (I blame the latter on being unable to accept Danny Glover as a bad guy) but I dug the musical.

It’s pretty wild how these zillionaires think these prepper bunkers will be anything but their graves if society really does break down

For 30 grand they can fix the trunk, smh

It’s interesting how many 80s-90s movie trilogies follow that thematic arc, isn’t it?

The PC Engine had such a weird range of quality. Half their games look like really bad NES stuff, but the port of Street Fighter 2 is indistinguishable from the Genesis version and as far as I can tell the ports of Afterburner and Space Harrier are 1:1 with the arcade versions. I can only assume they had ZERO quality

I’m pretty sure we don’t get MGs here because MG has been teetering Isuzu style on the knife-edge of nonexistance for decades, and we don’t get Mahindras because Jeep would sue them into the ground. That said, some dealers here do sell the Roxor, and you have to title it as a quad instead of a car, and I’m fine with

So it would have been a story of two comparable characters who learn different lessons from their experiences - some shared, some not - and ultimately become enemies? Damn, that would make a lot more sense than whatever happened in that last movie. I think somebody looked through a knife, then they rode horses on a

Just the cops committing literal crimes, nothing to see here

Video game awards don’t matter. Every game is somebody’s game of the year. Spider Man and Baldur’s Gate are both great and so is Starfield, and you should play as few or many of them as you are interested in. Game companies could cut the cord with all this industry promotion nonsense by just doing demos again, but

Self checkout with redpilled AI celebrity voices

I don’t know if they’re already doing the cloned voice, but the Lees in my neighborhood is already using AI for ordering. It doesn’t work super great. Also there’s a dude who loiters around the Lees, and parks his mobility scooter next to your car to demand you buy him food. He’s not homeless or anything, just greedy

Imagine being such a grotesque human being you even think of arresting a kid for this. I would just climb into a trash can and wait to be collected.

That Yamaha does indeed look totally sick.

A good antidote to that hideous Gemballa in the NPoND.

Finally, a paint job that will confuse enemy U-Boats as to the heading and speed of my Bugatti

Oh gosh that’s unfortunate.

A few years back there was a non-trivial bruhaha because the version of GTA:SA on Steam was replaced with the mobile port, with lower graphics caps and fewer songs on the soundtrack. Between this and that, I’m real curious about Rockstar’s delivery pipeline.

I mean, if you want the cyberpunk aesthetic anyway, wouldn’t you just bolt more rugged mismatched stuff on as it deteriorates? Just keep wrenching it on until 30 years down the line it looks like one of the Nomad cars from CP2077: