One assumes that, since she knows this person, he’s part of another team, or an affiliate of the commission itself? Name names, get this ass clown some daylight.
One assumes that, since she knows this person, he’s part of another team, or an affiliate of the commission itself? Name names, get this ass clown some daylight.
It’s becoming increasingly clear why he was so good at playing a violent monomaniac with an imprisoned wife, I guess.
I’m digging all the Musk simps groveling to their nazi slaver daddy here. You know why everyone is picking on Tesla? Because your Tesla will drive into shit and kill you. We’ll pick on Ford when they start making cars that actively try to murder their operators.
Oh no!
This is horrible news, I really wanted to play a game where I fart around in a zombie-infested landscape made of prebuilt assets, mooching crafting mats from wrecked cars and dumpsters, and now there are no games on the market that will scratch that itch!
Ascaron made Sacred 2 WHILE GONG THROUGH BANKRUPTCY, and still managed to release a fully playable completed game. It didn’t sell well enough to save them, but that’s down to the market, the game was just fine. That said, like Day Before, Sacred 2 was supposed to have a live service element (events would turn on and…
Though Starfield is a single-player game, Bethesda and Xbox have been clear that they want to see it enjoy the same longevity and player retention as Skyrim.
Don’t forget how they denied us both the tomb cheese and the mysterious red fluid
Oh man the smell when a new NES/Genesis/SNES cart heated up for the first few times... I don’t get nostalgic for much, but when I slot some new RAM or a new video card and that smell wafts out of my PC, oh man it takes me back.
It makes sense Tesla would engineer a truck that’s hostile to pedestrians. The alt right have a thing for vehicular homicide, to the point that numerous MAGA Republicans have pushed legislation to legalize things like hitting protestors with your car, so it was only a matter of time until someone built a car…
Legend of Mana is one of my all time favorites. If you stop thinking of it as a Zelda-Like and start thinking of it as a fantasy Kunio-Kun game, it really comes together. Yes, it has a ton of awful overcomplicated mechanics that it doesn’t remotely explain, like the distance/synergy of land placement and the…
I mean, his kink is having kids, not being a dad.
So did Twitter ruin Taylor’s career before or after she just bought her entire discography with her pocket change?
This interdepartmental squabbling is a needless waste of taxpayer dollars. And while this brave peace officer is tied up in red tape, who is going to keep a lid on the booty situation? Disgraceful.
Finally a Bugatti owner with taste
Diablo 4 isn’t bad, but it’s not a must-play by any means. It’s all set up around an MMO style open-world endgame, but that endgame is tragically devoid of real substance. I played through it and enjoyed it, but I’ve felt zero urge to go back.
Wait, so it’s bad that a video game included a bad guy who is a Saudi militant engaging in terrorism and adventurism in neighboring countries - a course of events that has happened repeatedly, often with support from the Saudi government, and which gave us such fine events as 9/11 ? But also games are avoiding…
By that logic, high car prices should mean employees get paid more. Did that happen after the run on the car market over the last few years? It didn’t? Wow, sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about!
I think the original Vice City nailed what would become GTA’s biggest strength, which is creating a fairly realistic world, then immersing the player fully in all the weirdness and crime most of us only see on the news. Like, you can just drive around 80s Kirkland Miami listening to the radio and watching people…
Well we’re getting a hybrid Tacoma soon, so we’ll see if there’s interest in alternative powertrains. I see Tacomas as catering to a more practicality minded crowd so I like its chances I guess?