Rayce Archer

Weird country guys I’ve never heard of have been crawling out of the woodwork to discuss this, and none of them look well. It’s like a whole assemblage of weird, Sims 2 random character-ass looking guys with horrible circulation.

Right, but I don’t give a shit. I’m never going to have to socially interact with Doja Cat. I will never have to work with Doja Cat. She might as well be an algorithm on a server in someone’s basement for as much bearing as she has on my life. She is functionally identical to say, Hatsune Miku. And even if she was the

I’m not the first person to say this by any means, but it’s hard to think of a franchise that went from immense, almost obsessive interest to total ambivalence as fast as Overwatch. For perhaps 3 or 4 years EVERYONE was nuts for it and then all that investment vanished overnight. It’s a case study in how you can make

Imagine caring what your favorite musician thinks of you

  • Powertrains are dramatically more expensive to service with fewer parts that can be repaired vs requiring total replacement.

Dumb question but do you think Q’s similarity to Ditko characters is intentional or a weird coincidence?

I think the problem is that EVs have already been poisoned by capitalism pretty hard. They’re either awful or expensive, and all of them are maintenance nightmares. And it was always going to be this way; the auto and oil industry killed EVs back in the 30s because they wanted to sell gas, they aren’t going to walk

Do people do weird pervert stuff at comic con? You could be a weird pervert I guess.

This kind of highlights how overcomplicated D4 IS. Like, there are 3 different odds-based enhanced outcomes of attacks. That’s at least one too many. There’s lucky hit, which has a chance to inflict some additional effect, critical, which has a chance to do more damage, and overpower which has a chance to do more

The fact that there was a second He-Man show that ran for 65 episodes right after the first one and everyone just kind of memory holed it suggests that the first Masters of the Universe was already enough decades ago.

Nah they used to put a lot of hentai right on the front page so you were scared to read at work

I’d say Legs in D4 are more like Crafted items in D2. They’re even the same highlight color! With the weird exception that you can only reliably make SOME of them? And also they drop.

So once I get a seasonal character up to 100 I can farm loot for a seasonal alt who is only level 80

“I really like... Love? It would be fantastic to have... friends. I enjoy fun, like doing things and being in places. I feel positive about situations right now.”

Racism, mostly

Right, but because of how their trip model works, they would never do that. So it’s a non-issue.

I hope this doesn’t mean bad things for the game