Rayce Archer

The internet insists this Dall-E 2-looking-ass abstraction is a still of him but it looks so shockingly bad I’m not even sure I believe that.

I’d root for airborne AIDS if Tucker Carlson gets it

So if you didn’t know, the answer is a dude is staring at the gonads of a robot made of smashed together construction equipment.

My objection to the live action Transformers films is rooted entirely in how busy the designs are. You legitimately cannot tell what the hell is going on half the time. Here, look at this still. I defy anyone who hasn’t seen the movie to tell me what the hell is happening here.

Well this dude is a streamer, this is his job or at least one of his revenue streams. What makes Diablo 4 good is that there’s a pretty robust game to just play for the experience under the hood, if you don’t have the time or inclination to power-game it.

I was under the impression that official Pokemon tournaments issued the participants “stock” teams of statistically average pokemon via custom cartridges, and very specifically did NOT let players raise their own, both for time reasons and to avoid cheating. Is that not the case any longer?

I mean, the Usagi Yojimbo action figure was REALLY good. Look at the swank texture on his armor! The rippling material of his trousers! HIS WIDDLE SHOESIES!

I choose death. Or just not doing this. Whichever.

Here’s another to consider: every class has an off-tree skill system that is unlocked through a unique quest upon reaching milestone levels. For instance, the Barbarian can select bonuses based on focused weapon choices, the Sorc can assign secondary effects of their unlocked skills as passives, etc. These unlocks

Well cool broh, let us know when AI actually does all that cool stuff instead of just making weird looking porno for crypto enthusiasts to share on Telegram.

Because most works of art contain intentional subtext or inadvertent implications, and discussing this helps people engage with the work? That’s like, the most basic tier of criticism.


“Whenever Wednesday’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking ‘where’s Wednesday?’

Also, break all the loot containers, but don’t pick up the loot. And don’t shop, except at the herbalist where you should shop a lot.

Anybody remember Kirby’s Block Ball? I played that thing for EVER when I was younger.

California’s reckless, but largely successful pursuit of endless growth has distorted their economy beyond anything that exists elsewhere in the country. And unfortunately, cost of living pay can’t keep up - when people scream and cry about all the homeless in SOCAL, they’re conveniently overlooking how many of those

Because this is a list of BAD movies, and Maximum Overdrive is an awesome movie where a truck with the Green Goblin on it bullies Lisa Simpson for delicious gasoline

Graveyard Shift rules, what the heck

U.S. Recovered ‘Intact And Partially Intact Vehicles’ Of Non-Human Origin