Rayce Archer

Oh yeah you’ll be laughing right up until Joseph Brandon Stalin puts a Paveway III through your house because your social credit fell too low; only me and my friends who all sued our real Citizen Names back from the fake government are safe from the admiralty mandating assassination of our persons.

That gauntlet (or its enchantment) was nearly mandatory for rifts for a while, since for a few releases players’ cap on rift play wasn’t their power or survivability but their sheer ability to REACH enough prey before time ran out. Eventually they rebalanced rift levels to be more about gear/paragon/teamwork checks

To be fair, that was just on playstation and Sony has a long, rich history of fucked up multiplayer releases. 

Finally people who want to see Chris Chan fight Cyrax have options besides WWE!

Imagine the euphoric relief of finding out you aren’t related to Lauren Boebert, I bet it’s like jogging to the top of a mountain, chugging an ice-cold beer, then hang-gliding down to a yacht and landing directly in a giant pile of money.

I’m sorry a cartoon about space men forced you to remember people of color exist, that must have been very traumatic for you.

What’s wild is that Lightyear could have been GREAT. Like, what if they’d actually paid attention to the editing and writing conventions of 90s pop sci fi? What if they’d made it LOOK like 90s CGI, or CGI that looked like 90s live action? They set themselves up with this fantastically silly premise, then basically

Didn’t we already write these idiots off over gambling scandals? Why do we even need to be fabricating trash gaming celebrities when we already have so many trash celebrities in other areas?

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Yes. In the example above you can see how in the older car, the roughly square engine compartment displaces instead of collapsing. At high speeds, as shown, this has the unfortunate side effect of pushing the interior about a foot back and to the right, an undesirable result which is why we don’t do it that way

Why is that bird person doing the pogchamp meme

Jackie has yet to equal his best dumb movie.

Also it’s pride week in Overwatch. Hey, remember when Injustice did a pride event and Kotaku ripped them a new one because it felt weird celebrating homosexuality by killing gay characters? Sure you do!

That’s ridiculous. Diablo III had a dungeon called the Vault of Greed, ruled by Greed, the demonic lady of greed, with bosses named after Ponzi and Bernie Madoff. Absurd to get upset about one gag gobbo.

It’s hard to care about any of the relationships between these characters when the minute the game starts they all just shoot each other in the faces.

This is basically always good advice.

Probably whatever needed fixing when they kept hitting people over and over.

Older cars were designed to be safe by surviving collisions as intact as possible, which made them more dangerous to everyone else. Modern cars are designed for the whole car to act as an ablative barrier, protecting the occupants while reducing the impact to whatever they hit. 9 times out of 10, when you see someone