Rayce Archer

Luckily there IS a solution to Nazis!

I should add here that while the two are probably culturally connected, jello salad is NOT aspic. A proper aspic is roasted meats and accompaniments, cooled then molded in the gelatin and fat rendered out of the meat during cooking. A proper aspic should be MOSTLY ingredients, with the gelatin just there to hold it

My grandma grew up in the depression. She put everything in jello, mmostly lime. Like, we would go visit and she’d have 3 different jello salads at once. It was weird. I remember 3 in particular:

No, Applebees is definitely bad. I used to go there for their half price apps and drinks after movies, but during the mortgage crisis they WAY scaled back the quality of their food and it stopped being worth going. I think this is kind of inevitable for most “casual dining” chains; eventually you either need to class

“Oh, I need some legroom” *smushes both hands onto seat controls*

Now playing

Add to that Stardust Memory, which basically asks “yes, all those psychic powers and laser drones are fun and all, but what about Top Gun in space?”

I’m surprised the Arkham games didn’t make this list. Mind you, Arkham City on PC basically can’t be played now.

Wow I’m glad we lost Inside Job for this

God damn it I NEEDED that wax

Good for them solving the problem after it’s already ruined a bunch of people and made a few dirtbags rich.

Nissan periodically offers the Pathfinder with performance V6s that take premium. The ECU can detune them while they’re running on standard, and there is no real detriment to doing so, apart from falling short of peak poweeeeeeerrr delivery. Which, it must be said, isn’t really something you’re getting if you’re

If George is just doing city driving he can get by on Standard. The Pathfinder only requires premium if you want every last little bit of torque. These welfare queens cry and cry about how broke they are, but then they just waste money when they do have it, SMH.

FWIW it worked, dude got caught out, told everyone he was just trolling, and got embraced by the public as a genius of social satire. It was a different time.

I still want a comedy biopic where Drew (in drag) plays her own ancestor Lionel, who in an attempt to break into journalism, went to LA then lied and told the rest of the world the city had been wiped out by a massive earthquake.

If you think THIS was gross, lemme tell you about the time Luc Besson made an entire fascist propaganda franchise about how much the French hate central Europeans and want their limp-wristed liberal government to just murder all the immigrants like those badass Bush-era CIA guys, and he got away with it because

If all your gothic lolita/90s vintage fashions get too expensive, there are a number of places that will just sell you Rochelle’s Depache Mode shirt.

Interestingly the film looks to have originally been headed in a different direction. Early art of Doom, for instance, suggested not his monster dude made of iron look from the final film, but a sort of archaic armor aesthetic that leaned harder into his occult background. It’s weird as hell, but I can’t say I don’t

It’s weird how much effort went into the film when you consider they never intended to publish it. Like yeah, it looks cheap as hell, but it DOES HAVE effects, there’s real effort in the camera work, there are a number of decently large sets, the costuming is pretty okay- I guess they needed to put in enough work that

Dishonored 2 for free is a nice rebuttal to XBox getting Redfall.

This is like what, 3 competing Cleopatra projects going now? Man, Egypt must not have had much going on for the first 3,000 years.