Rayce Archer

You’re simping pretty hard for a bunch of French sex offenders and their kickstarter scam buddies there broh

He also puts so much bespoke work into his Tachikoma that it develops its own personality; when all the Tachikomas dump their memories together for the week it makes them go rogue and they all become moody and disconsolate like Bateau himself.

Last but not least, at one point Usagi goes tearassing around in a classic Skyline; it goes as swimmingly as all her other ideas.

Haruka also has a totally sick classic 2000GT, because inside her lesbian golf chic exterior she’s a hardcore motorhead.

Nephrite drives a 512, the only correct choice for a stylish bad guy. He mostly uses it to impress middle school girls, because anime.

Haruka’s Bimoto. Mamuro also has one of these, but HE doesn’t play a part in the absolutely fabulous episode where Makoto comes to terms with being confidently heterosexual while still acknowledging the romantic and physical appeal of strong beautiful women, so we’re talking about Haruka’s here.

I’m gonna call out some of the iconic vehicles of Sailor Moon!

Iron Man 3 rules. Fight me.

It’s wild how entitled and defensive Meth people are. I once got banned from a Facebook group because a dude, out of the blue, started a thread about “what’s the best way to get into meth” and I told him not to, and it pissed off all the people who have made meth part of their identities, I guess?

I’m not sure about best character, but my FAVORITE character is Gambit. I like heroes with horrifying stupid powers that they have to keep a lid on so they don’t just murder everyone. Like how Flash could just throw pebbles into bad guys at superluminal speed and blow them in half so fast they wouldn’t know they’d

The real question is, do you spend hours rifling through furniture for crafting materials of varying rarity which you must then spend time smushing together at your hub area? Because as a gamer, that gives me a real sense of pride and accomplishment.

While we’re at it, can I say how sick I am of hearing transhumanists talk about “the Singularity?” Like, there isn’t going to be a magic bullet moment in technology where we invent a scientific advancement that immediately solves all future scientific advancements. That’s just not how science works. I know we’re

No, I agree. Dude just turned a great game into a bad remake of an awful game without fixing all the bad stuff. All this really proves is that if the CDI devs had access to a better art department, their games would have been marginally easier to stomach.

Every year, about 500 kids die in foster care, where they are almost 40 percent more likely to die from all causes than children with permanent homes. People who use IVF could save actual human lives by adopting, and instead they insist on their own pathetic brand of eugenics, even though their own bodies refuse to

Surely this regulation of private citizens and their miniscule generation of pollution is being matched with comparable regulations of industrial manufacturing and power generation

Well, let’s ask the AI:

Let’s put this in car terms: we’re trying to drive to a job we haven’t had for sixty years, in a town we have to hypermile to reach, which we only actually attended in person six times, driving a full-sized tractor-trailer cab instead of the VW Golf we drove last time, and when we get there we need to jump out the

To be clear I’m not saying Peter Pan is a literal retelling of Shinto, I’m just saying that under it’s hood of “silly modern fairy tale to make wee urchins whose baby brothers just died of Scarlet Fever feel better” there’s a profound awareness of global myth that we should appreciate.

In the books it’s established canon that he boots any kids who hit grow up - which is apparently the result not merely of time but of some kind of metaphysical failing - back to the real world. Or, more worryingly, “takes care of them.” Those who remain inevitably join the pirates. When you consider that all the Lost

I like the one where Clarkson calls his producer a slur and decks him, then they all leave to make a worse version of the same show for Amazon.