Rayce Archer

Is it bad that the Wrangler’s wheels can ride so far up that they’re actively deforming the arch in the sale photo? Is that a problem? I feel like that’s not ideal.

Back before it became an interchangeable parade of forgettable open-world asset flips, the Final Fantasy franchise was well known for its close association to avante-garde illustrators, most notably Yoshitaka Amano. I think if you were going to tag a Western artist for Final Fantasy content, Mignola is a great choice,

So is this calling up a ChatGPT instance online in the backend? I was under the impression you needed pretty substantial assets to get results this fast.

I played all the way to the world of ruin in Final Fantasy 6 (the PS1 port), making sure to unlock all the characters I could first, using doom to kill the Intangir for tens of hours until I had all my spells maxed out, hunting all the rare stealables- then the game went corrupt, as earlier builds of FF6 were prone to

I’m just gonna play through that game where you have to bury your wife’s body on your farm again

That is just a super unfortunate event name

Repo men don’t have the right to break any laws to retrieve your car. They can collect it from public property, and in practice they could probably drive it off your driveway and get away with it, but if they were to break into your garage to get a vehicle back, and you ██████████ them right in the █████████ while

It could be worse

At the start of the pandemic a lady at the place I sold plasma went on a tear about how her favorite buffet (with 49 items!) shut down because they couldn’t operate on delivery or takeout, and how this was an injustice we as a people should not brook. I told her I thought any number of business closures was acceptable

Who could have guessed that a dude who made a whole career out of complaining about women would make a crappy husband

Wait now, hear me out:

I want a game set in rural SoCal where you pick an actual gang and try to build an operation. I want to guide the Latin Kings in a brutal ambush of the Carolina Peckerwoods for control of the meth trade between Tijuana and Utah, only to get my trucks blockaded by Hell’s Angels in Baker. I don’t want to do bank heists

Sacred 2 let you ride an electric tiger. The bar here is pretty high.

Speaking to what I can:

I am enthralled with the idea of a NASA facility just having a busted truck and a trailer full of old machinery rotting in the front yard like a government-funded Hillbilly shack.

Yeah maybe the company that sent hired goons to bully a dude are the victims here

Can I take prisoners then sell them to the Vikings as slave-rowers on their longboats? Because that’s what I’m here for.

Captain Jack Sparrow has a powerful attack in which he hurls an iPhone in another racer’s face, but he can only use it on female drivers. It’s a really interesting check/balance dynamic.

Controversial opinion: the C8 is a better looking car, costs less (in theory), and would probably go to the bathroom all over this thing in most race conditions.