Rayce Archer

The 2070 turned out the be a really good buy; it basically makes the 3kx series not-quite-good-enough-to-be-worth-it. Unfortunately, it also makes meaningfully upgrading a very expensive proposition. It also seems to run pretty cool and quiet in most cases, which is nice.

WELL ACTUALLY Mirror’s Edge is running in UE3, and the Unreal Engine has supported baked ray-traced environmental shadows since the get-go. These could even include (admittedly low-def) volumetric light, although most games used this incredibly sparingly as it caused quite a performance hit.

It’s not all of the RTX settings, just the new highest settings. I can run the game perfectly well with ray tracing on and DLSS set to Quality, and I have a 2070 Super like the author.

Mitt, and other right-wingers, should consider the benefits of more bicycle traffic:

Still waiting for Mei’s official take on Chinese policy in Hong Kong/Taiwan 

It’s all part of the game’s absurd Ludonarrative dissonance. Like, you have all these very developed characters with personal, emotional backstories, then the minute the match starts that all goes out the window.

I think the problem is that they had a cool new story with elf cop guy, his alchemist girlfriend, and her son who is being seduced to the powers of darkness, plus their weird cultist neighbors and proto-orc nemesis

Rail companies are heavily budgeted for lawsuits on safety and regulatory compliance, to the point that many of them consider being regularly sued part of the cost of doing business. It’s unlikely any current statutes would permit these companies to be sued for more money than it would cost them to operate safely,

I can’t believe they jilted Poompi Shark like that, I loved him

The Super Show suggests that 2 hours of horrible italian-american stereotyping would actually be incredibly rad.

I was hungry late at night, so I got up to eat some delicious M&Ms - and they were all woke! In a panic I ran into the living room to calm down with some TV, but He Man and Star Wars were woke! I ran out of the house, desperate to clear my head. The only place open was the theater, so I went in and bought a ticket to

At the risk of being that guy, the problem is short-term thinking engendered by capitalism. Automation by technology is hugely appealing for bloodthirsty businessmen who want to slash workers but not labor, and technology as a magic bullet is appealing to incompetent managers who want to make their name as change

The internet has definitely made a lot of things easier and more practical. BUT, there’s no denying that technology has also enabled new kinds of dead-end bureaucracy and many new points of failure. I attribute this in equal parts to people implementing technological solutions they don’t understand, and malicious

It’s under his alt channel, just Kira, called “This is not a company you should support anymore.”

I kind of quit on Overwatch because it was taking all my time to stay gud. I figured I’d restart when 2 dropped. Then 2 turned out to be... that way? And I gave it a pass. THEN, one of my kids got into Gundam Evolution, and I tried it, and it’s basically just shitty Overwatch with Gundams, and that kind of made me

KiraTV just dropped a pretty good breakdown of the publisher of this game and a bunch of other similar titles, and their ongoing policy of wringing every bit of money possible out of the games they own and dropping anything that won’t meet their bottom line. Then again, we knew Ark was a scam when it dropped paid DLC

Jingoist US Capitalist Imperialism Take: I don’t personally believe Russia has the ability to execute a total nuclear strike right now. The fact that they can bring so little force to bear against Ukraine suggests their more sophisticated systems are probably in worse shape. I’m also not terribly worried about subs,

It looks a little better with a body kit too

I’m a sucker for the “90s concept car” aesthetic Hyundai has been pursuing lately, but the comments suggest I may be in the minority.

To be fair to our potato-rolling cousins, CDPR explicitly lied and said the game would be the full, functional experience on last-gen consoles, and withheld review copies for those platforms to further conceal their dishonesty. If you had a PC, it was pretty much a great experience from day 1, and if you had a current