Rayce Archer

JC, the net’s going... The net’s going black! JC! No more infolinks, transmissions of any kind. We’ll start again, live in villages... If you receive this, if you survive... Then find us. FIND US!


Let me put it like this: I buy a new car MAYBE once a decade. About 5 years ago, we had to replace my car and my wife’s car, and both new ones have bluetooth integration with phones and MP3 players. I’d put that above inbuilt satnav as a priority on any further purchases. It effectively replaces any number of car

In many ways, Trump is just a symptom of a broader problem: the United States has been broadly economically fascist since the early 50s, and while we’ve managed to avoid the worst social aspects of fascism, our culture is inherently hardwired to accommodate them. Trump is just sufficiently vain and stupid that he said

So it’s kind of an opposite of Blade of the Immortal, which conceals its message of hopeful emotional growth behind a relentless onslaught of beige brutality?

I mean it’s just one dude, but you’d probably be surprised how many Americans would be totally cool with slavery just starting back up again tomorrow

For a second I thought there was some weird censure blur over that wheel mount but no, it’s just been cleanly sheared away on one flat plane. Yikes.

“How do I get off the beach in the Gallipoli mission?”

Congratulations on identifying the joke, yes

This is just like when the NUSA invaded Night City during the Unification War and drove the city council straight back to Arasaka. Only with fewer monorails, probably.

I’m glad more recent cultural tragedies will soon be filtered through the lens of sun-bleached whimsical anachro-camp.

Zelda 2 isn’t bad for any mechanical reason, it’s bad because it’s CHEAP. Oh, you stepped on the wrong floor and now you’re falling through it into a bottomless pit. Oh, you couldn’t finish the dungeon? You forgot to break two random tiles of wall hidden behind a false floor that you have to fly up through with the

Crypto media is the same way. A couple NFT series have been turned into licensed animated shows - most noteably BAYC - and they’re all just ABOUT CRYPTO. It’s like if every anime were about being an animator in Japan, or all the marvel movies were about working for a comic book publisher.


Serious question: is Godzilla a dragon?

Bobby’s been all tense ever since he lost his favorite vacation destination.

She looks less like a comic book bad guy than Lady Gaga NORMALLY DOES.

Pfsh that’s nothing, on The Hobbit they killed like 3 horses and a bunch of other farm animals.

The entertainment industry has been making a hard press for VR since Oculus first got visibility back in the earlier 2010s. A big chunk of the push came not from developers of conventional entertainment software but from TV and film studio execs. It’s my belief that the intention was to find the next big gimmick in