Rayce Archer


Imagine paying money for custom skins to put on Morty while you beat up little kids pretending to be Batman and Shaggy

In my experience “Open Beta” is the new term for “time limited demo” because for whatever reason game devs hate demos now. It’s rare to encounter an open demo that isn’t clearly just the finished game; if anything is still being tested it’s mostly going to be server loads (the D4 open beta was basically just a stress

Right? And what’s the deal with the cops hassling me for firing a pair of six-shooters into the air whenever I’m excited? I just want to do a little Yosemite Sam celebration dance when I find the socks my wife likes at TJ Max, but all I hear is “sir what in the name of God are you doing” this, and “Jesus Christ

What if instead of the legendary items with super powerful ability buffing/altering affixes didn’t exist? What if you simply needed to hunt for good rare/magic (and maybe a unique or two) items that simply had stats that paired nicely with your chosen skill type, allowing you to experiment with similar skills easily

Seconding Last Epoch. It does Legendaries really well - basically a legendary will have weird unique buffs that regular gear can’t get, but usually lacks any of the bonuses a normal item in that slot will have. So if you don’t use legendaries you miss out on cool unique bonuses, but if you ONLY wear legendaries, then

I just did the Sorc and Barb:

You know what? I call fake.

I think the main goal is to give everyone a more distinct appearance in crowd instance areas. You can also disable armor visuals in the cosmetic menu if you want to be a bare-chested Conan the Barbarian type, for instance.

According to the internet... yes! Holy smokes!

You do realize that even if “just work harder” actually worked, our economy couldn’t possibly function if everyone was indefinitely upwardly mobile, right? It’s basically meaningless to make such a vague, abstract statement.

I love stuff like this. In Godzilla: Final Wars, every middle-aged character - government officials mostly - was played by performers from previous Godzilla films. And Best is a nimble dude, casting him as a Jedi was a good choice.

As a fellow millennial who has also owned two houses, I assure you we are indeed extremely lucky and statistical outliers.

The length of time the Fiesta ST was available here contrasted with the fact Ford has axed almost all of its actual cars suggests that in fact VERY FEW of you wanted to buy one. Same deal for the Jimney, you could buy Suzukis here for years but people didn’t (from what I saw the only people buying Suzukis in serious

Fortunately our personal opinions don’t need to follow the strict procedural rules of the criminal justice system. I believe you’ll find many people who are acquitted of crimes are still big scumbags, just as many people who are convicted of the most heinous crimes are in fact decent folk.

I assume it’s because in a lot of industrialized East Asian media it’s hip to borrow cultural cues and tropes from Western media, and Western media is absolutely BATHED in it. The absence of Jews in the applicable countries is probably a contributing factor, as Japan and in particular Korea do contain Christian

They have a bunch of kids with horrific chromosomal disorders and massive force powers who just go around Akira-ing the bad guys to death

I’m going to get pilloried here but: RE4 is boring. Imagine a Souls game, only you have to used ranged weapons, and there’s very little ammo, and you can really only progress along one path. Of course all the RE games beforehand were similar, but the earlier titles had a sense of theatrical, claustrophobic dread that

New ‘vettes even have cylinder deactivation! They’re economical!

If you haven’t played it yet, 2015 Gauntlet is 5 bucks on Steam right now.