Rayce Archer

Prue’s at that exciting point in life where clothes for really old women and really young gay men almost completely overlap, it would be irresponsible for her to not be outlandish

I ASSUME its presence here is to dodge massive AOEs dished out by bosses. Blizzard probably didn’t intend you to shoulder-roll-strafe every little thing. I agree that dodge rolls in medieval fantasy are kind of silly - the whole point of those fancy suits of armor is that you don’t HAVE to get out of the way of

Diablo III is, by design, basically Gauntlet. It’s inferior to Diablo II in most mechanical ways, but as a coop festival of colorful nonsense violence, it’s a huge improvement.

Imagine the state pissing away this amount of effort and money on any other niche entertainment

Yeah they could sell it as the Del Sol in Honda Livery or the MR2 in Toyota. Although I suspect Toyota is probably content with 2 sport coupes that don’t make them any significant money, I doubt they want a third.

Tracy looking at the wreck of Saddam’s yacht like “damn this is the ugliest Jeep I’ve ever seen”

Honestly, any sports sedan is a risky proposition in the US. And while the first Integra was surprisingly attainable for an Acura, I have to assume this one will have pricing in line with other Acuras - putting it squarely in the “old people” market.

Pfsh you 90s JDM kids are always saying “Integra this” and “Prelude that,” I want to know when they’re bringing the Del Sol back?

Meatball Ron, out there protecting us from Tzeentch

>Be me, NEET /pol user
>Be relaxing in my basement on second Sunday, which is what I call Thursday
>Enjoying tendies and milkies mmm-mmm_good.gif
>Mom comes in
“Anon did you make actionable threats to the sheriff”
>Mom you dumbshit
“No mom I said ‘in Minecraft’ that makes it okay”
>MFW: that doesn’t make it okay?

All 15 are Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever

I bet you have some revolutionary opinions about age of consent legislation.

My real problem with Kait is that she’s a huge piece of shit. Like not to YOU - she’s sweet as pie to the player - but she wants you to be a bastard to EVERYONE ELSE. It’s pretty clear that at some point in the game’s progress she was meant to be a low-alignment partner, and then at the last minute they decided they

You can do the nasty with:

There will be no shocking memories, and the prevailing emotion will be one of nostalgia for those left behind...

Nothing brings out lunatic ancap skinheads like the press suggesting American businesses should be accountable to brown people.

But but but according to Victims of Communism, communist governments have killed over a trillion of their own citizens! Literally 600 times the entire population of humanity from the entire existence of our species has been murdered by the horrible scourge of government healthcare and affordable train tickets!

People really need to be taking Boeing to the mats harder for how they’re treating foreign countries here. Ethiopia has a lot of problems but it’s not some undeveloped mud pit full of cavemen - it’s a developed, modern country with thousands of years of documented cultural history full of real, important human beings,

Creepy ladies making bizarre surreal short films is my jam. If the genre doesn’t already have a name, I propose Rossellinicore.

The Defender in VIPER had a lifted offroad mode. No idea if it was an actual Viper on lifts or a different car with the bodywork slotted on, or whether it was actually AWD (Vipers of the time were all RWD so if it is a real Viper I doubt the studio bothered changing that). It mostly just used that mode to drift on