Rayce Archer

Titanic is a phenomenal TECHNICAL film, but the writing is awful and the story is tedious (and defamatory).

I bet this is gonna be the best Braff film yet!

Wait why is he wearing a championship belt, is he a superhero or a wrestler?

How many broken promises can a guy make before the shareholders ask the board to remove him?

If you were wondering, the biggest sellers in Vietnam are Toyota, Kia, and Ford, because they’re the biggest sellers EVERYWHERE. Below those, every other manufacturer has a sub ten percent share.

What I learned:

A good “Call of Duty, but also Control” already exists. It’s called FEAR. They made 3 of them, they’re pretty fun.

The problem is that between Postal 2 and now, “open world chaos sandbox” is no longer particularly innovative. Like oh edgy you can hose down protesters and pee on dead people, in the Just Cause games you get to be a LITERAL TERRORIST who can FLY. Oh, you can shoot a Mariachi because, presumably, ethnic dress offends

Here’s the thing, though: It’s not enough for the AI art crowd to try and go commercial (although that’s certainly the end goal). What they really want is to be seen as just as skillful as people who make the art they steal.

I didn’t like Captain Marvel much, but it’s pretty clear that’s down to the atrocious writing. She’s fine in the other movies where she appears. I’d watch a Captain Marvel 2 if they make one.

I mean, Batman Begins is a pretty high bar, TBH

Here’s an idea: what if DC just DIDN’T WORRY ABOUT IT. All the DC films people have actually liked - Shazam, Joker, Gunn’s Suicide Squad, The Batman - have either existed in a vacuum from the DCEU or been sufficiently standalone that it doesn’t even matter. Like, yeah, the presence of Margo Robbie’s Harley in Gunn’s

I mean I can see how the grind is a barrier to the fantasy, but I assume real amateur TC is pretty financially unrewarding too, right?

That’s some really good looking work on the body. This dude should put up some kind of storefront if this is something he plans to do on the regular. It’s not for me, but if you want a vintage truck it seems like a good deal.

Don’t cut yourself on that (basilisk poison envenomed) edge, broh

Jesus, you guys all have the same arguments, huh? Why don’t you tell us how the amount of time you spend coming up with prompts is just as much work as making the art yourself, so I can finish my bingo card?

I like my sounds with distortion, I drink in proportion, Texas really has bigger problems than abortion

These energetic, familiar, and fun interactive games will further enhance the entire kinetic experience within the land and immerse guests into the unique world of Super Mario.

I don’t mind the technology so much as all the chodes who insist they’re real artists because they spent two hours typing different variations of “catgirl with enormous breasts, baroque, visible cleavage, girl I liked in high school” into the Midjourney discord.

> Be me
> World’s most prolific digital artist
> Put up website with all my work
> Can’t wait to get recognition I deserve
> MFW everyone assumes it’s a stock image site
> MFW people in my design class talk about how “Getty isn’t as good as iStock”

Never follow your dreams, anons