Rayce Archer

A person can tolerate multiple races and still be racist against persons of other races beyond those. Gandhi, for instance, was a firm believer in the necessity of South African Apartheid, and the British had very good relations with the indigenous Nepalese even while brutally occupying lowland India.

I may be naive here but this doesn’t seem like something actual fans would want. Like, imagine you’re a balding grognard, you go to the hobby shop, oh shit it’s the RPG you played in college! You grab a sourcebook and some campaign booklets and rush home. “Look kids! It’s Star Frontiers!” Then you sit down to get

If you say so, I guess.

The internet informs me that Cisco had 4 hardware backdoors in the form of hard-coded device credentials and one backdoor in CPS in 2018 ALONE. That is... profoundly not great.

It’s pretty wild the extent to which major world powers engage in electronic warfare against one another, often to an extent for which we would arrest, deport, and possibly execute an in-person spy.

More the sheer improbability of it all. Like 90% of licensed games, including many based on the James Bond franchise, are forgettable shovelware, the N64 wasn’t exactly a certified hit machine, and Goldeneye is a profoundly not good movie, yet this one particular game keeps coming back, be it ports, remasters, source

Sean Bean, longing for the days when you just straight up boned your co-stars

If you graduate from the school of good and evil, are you beyond good and evil?

To be fair, if actual republicans were like Jack they’d be based as hell.

“Isn’t it ironic that the very things you stand for - free love, swinging parties - are all now in the ‘90s considered to be... evil?”

Eon productions just laughing all the way to the bank that this 20 year old game keeps making them money

What’s wild is they basically made their own DOTA2 like a decade late, still managed to attract players and make money, and basically axed support for it because it wasn’t an immediate LoL level success as an eSport. I think a lot of their problem is trying to FORCE things - people need to want to play a game

I mean, at that mileage and age, that’s not bad at all.

I feel like this would be a way better buy in a world where chromebooks didn’t exist.

I mean, I love the aesthetic, but I’m not stupid.

The horror comes from the star being murdered by Phil Spector

I mean, it’s not a dystopian ruin for the cephalopod people, it’s just the remains of OUR failed society.

I’m not 100% convinced the supposed overpowered nature of the 2-tank meta was a real phenomenon versus impatient twitch-shooter players not wanting to adapt, but yeah, Blizzard has been ruining their catalogue in a dubious attempt to become a juggernaut in the eSports world. Which is wild, when you consider Starcraft