Rayce Archer

I assume you’re talking about the eViation Alice, a multipurpose electric prop plane that has been ordered by DHL? The plane hasn’t actually been built in its final configuration yet, the order won’t be filled until (theoretically) 2024, and each Alice only carries one ton, compared to a comparable ICE aircraft such

I played it for quite a bit, but eventually other games I wanted to play came out, and I didn’t have time to keep up with my skilling in Overwatch. I’d probably still be playing it if I had a regular friend group to play it with, but as it is, I enjoyed it then moved on.

The US actually has the second or third highest reserves of REMs. We choose not to extract it because no company wants to spend money on the infrastructure. So next time you hear people whining about the poor coal miners and their poor employers, just remember there’s a whole mining industry in high demand that the US

A good body harvest with modern graphics would rule so hard. That game had VAST promise, but it lost so much to the limitations of the platform.

I mean, we’re still ruled by inbred criminal aristocrats, why not follow the queen too?

Maybe Florida’s Woke unamerican governor should stop making his state so political, then this wouldn’t happen.

All you need to know about the F35's mythical cost savings is that it has the exact same manufacturer as the F22 because someone in defense procurement was successfully persuaded that having Lockheed design 2 next-generation fighters would somehow be cheaper than having them just design one. And I guess you could

Yeah, the real issue here isn’t so much GYNA BAD!!!1 so much as this plane containing parts people are only just now tracking down.

I mean, the obvious solution is to have her dramatically pull the face off of the other character, revealing them to actually be an elderly criminal in a LeBron James/Batman/Shaggy suit

The next movie will feature sexy Pinocchio fighting gothic horror robots with a bow saw.

I should get back to Nioh. It was pretty fun (especially once I realized that the game REALLY doesn’t want you to use heavy armor) but something about the aesthetic is just a drag to look at.

I wish more racing games had storylines. There was this cool DOS game ages ago where you raced futuristic hovercrafts, but there were cutscenes, sabotages, mid-race events, etc. Unfortunately, later titles that attempted this were not so great... Looking at you, BMX XXX.

I obviously meant that following his progress would be a way to satisfy our curiosity. That said, I mean I wouldn’t say no to forward ports/remakes of some of the N64's golden oldies.

San Francisco Rush was an arcade port and it had a “campaign” of sorts where you play all the tracks in order and get DQ’d if your placement falls too low.

Most people who missed these on their first outing don’t have the ability to seek them out or time to play them now. A few N64 games like Mischief Makers and Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth had pretty small releases, and are on the rare side today. If you’re curious about this weird transitional period in gaming

And 4 or 5 of those games were even fun!

Aggressively unremarkable streetwear for middle-aged men with lots of disposable income has to be a niche SOMEONE fills. Some dudes that age are just too thin and rich to buy everything at Duluth Trading Company.

If your religion doesn’t want you to stop AIDS, it’s possible your religion may not be contributing positive moral value to your life.

Every family has genetic strengths and weaknesses

You love to see it