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As John Oliver once pointed out, Trump kinda sorta loves that kind of "let's wrestle in the metaphorical mud" response.

Maybe this time Fox will actually promote it better. I used to work in the Master Control of a Fox affiliate where I got exposed to a lot of network promos. For the most part during its last few years, "King" was barely mentioned in spots for Sunday prime time beyond "then, after an all new 'King of the Hill'…" (or

In what way was the metallic Doom of over a decade ago "liquid"? Shiny all over, yes. Liquid?? Someone's getting their franchises mixed up.

I really do suspect that Shatner was shopping there.

Some people, *especially* Meyer, were serious about them.

The redhead archer princess from Pixar's "Brave".

"Weird Al" Yankovic, four times. I can basically sum it up as he is earning those cheers. Oh, and a lot of fans have the prologue in the video "Fat" memorized.


Why does everyone like to joke about that stuff? I mean, it's so warm it's almost (briefly) comforting.

… or Things that Already Have.

"Experienced that hatred?" He helped spread it.

I had a cone of that at one of their Free Ice Cream Cone days several years ago. Very nice, though it's (sadly) not too surprising that macadamias didn't break out in such a way.

Watch your back.

Possibly after said contest has barely begun. Or even before.

It wouldn't be much of an interview anyway. One joke mildly at his expense or a question/reference to something he did/said that put him in non-flattering coverage, and he'd make another nonsensical claim and cut off the interview, seeing as how anything he does is supposed to *promote* himself. There are easier

Free speech is one thing. Active harassment (i.e. making people's lives "a living hell") and the consequences thereof that he could be held responsible for may very well be something else.

In the case of Zack Snyder, I'd say my exception to my incomplete attitude towards him (I couldn't make through "Sucker Punch") would be the 2004 remake of "Dawn of the Dead". Mind you the James Gunn screenplay (where everyone has an actual, honest right to be traumatized without being so damn hard to like, for the

After reading all this, I find myself asking "Why do I feel like I'm researching for future episodes of CNBC's "American Greed"?

Seconded. I caught the episodes where he talked with Elizabeth Smart's father, Ted "Unabomber" Kazinski's brother, former Iraqi captive Jessica Lynch, and Daniel Ellsberg (who leaked the Pentagon Papers). He was, indeed, a surprisingly good interviewer.

It's quite possible that he *feeds* on that sort of thing. Make it sound smart, and he can choke on it.