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    You forget this is a class course and not Jail.
    So there is a course Curve in place where you are only competing against the rest of the class and not against a zero balance scoresheet or years in jail.
    So everyone getting an extra 2pts is completely meaningless and that is equivilant to no gain.

    But if it’s a class, choosing 6pts is the correct answer. It is not the Prisoner’s Dilemna because there’s also a course curve that’ll bring all the course back to an equilibrium.
    If everyone gets at least 2pts, the curve cancels that out to zero. It’s not an absolute where the 2pts means everyone gets a little food

    i think there is significant time lost is to unpack and get the jack and repack the jack.

    i still don’t get how this blew up into being a job requirement. Someone who’s struggling with bills isn’t going to turn down a job just because they have to park in lot2.

    and being able to drive your car to work, compared to parking in lot2 versus lot1 are different things.

    so just park in lot2. parking in lot2 is not slavery.

    even if he did, he just has to park it in lot2.

    just as moronic as thinking the indignity of parking in lot 2 suddenly is the end of the world.

    meh, that’s just some cultural bias.
    Tons of kids in the US get braces to have straight teeth rather then a legitimate medical reason, but nobody is saying that’s a sad fact.

    I don’t think you get the moral authority to pass judgement unless you also call out every US kid who got braces as sad too

    well that kind of thinking is part of the problem too. Why do you go directly to acceleration as the answer, since as as being in the blind spot you are behind the other vehicle?

    If the mustang braked to let the truck in, instead of accelerating to exceed the average flow of traffic; road rage wouldn’t have ensued and

    how about compared to all the other cars in it’s class. You need to consider fairness to the other cars that didn’t cheat, and they’re already on the road with those companies paying for the extra engineering and so on to lower the Nox.

    yes, that’s petty theft no matter how you’re trying to justify it. Just like if you stole office supplies

    yes, that’s petty theft no matter how you’re trying to justify it. Just like if you stole office supplies

    going to try to mansplain this.

    if your bill is low due to coupon or whatever, then you should switch to per item/per service. $1 per item is what I go by.
    If you’re a starving students though do whatever you want. The root problem is with this tipping thing is arbitrary, but that’s a whole discussion in itself.

    This is all fine. File as may suits as you want. As long as she doesn’t win those cases, and has to pays all the fees, and penalties associated with those the lawsuit if she doesn’t win.

    except they do. because of the internet and people always taking the lowest price that comes up in the search engine and freak out if price is $3 more expensive

    They’re supposed to charge you. But the majority of SW alcoholic drinks are “paid for” by drink coupons given for frequent fliers programs and given out as compensation for one thing or another.

    An aspect of the internet nigerian price or other mass-market scam is to purposely make the deal ridiculous or flawed so that the flaws act as a filtering device. This allows them to get to easily get only the most gullible marks that don’t see the red flags and who will be the most likely to convert to a profit.

    pothead logic can only be understood by other potheads

    They don’t correct you outright, but often they repeat the order back to you with the proper name.