High Rents?
High Rents?
Flipper McFlipface has a nice ring to it.
Not after Labor Day.
I like it.
Right, go for an entire reboot to remove stink of failure.
Los Huevos Grandes.
Have to go with “The Ball Boys”.
Send him up! How could he do worse?
Thats why they signed him.
This is why Ellis couldn't loose two World Cups for trying: he would be an awesome right back
I mean is he really better then Bradley and Trapp? Let's be serious here.
Getting the other team to foul you in the box. Happy 3rd birthay.
US Soccer has ways to fuck this up happening right now that you haven't been able to think of! They are that far ahead.
Well yes, but no, hitters can generate enough power if the ball were on a T, so the easier to square up makes it like a home run derby.
Have you ever seen how boring football, a contact sport is?
Because these players are stupid and can't change their swing. They keep cutting away like the ball is going 90.
Everyone knows you just have to drink three beers and add 30 pounds of belly fat to hit pitches like that. Angels, amateurs.
Its the word "actual" that's in dispute.