And I think it's gonna be a long, long time ‘til touch down brings me round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no, I'm a rocket frog
I can't figure out why anyone that doesn't own a car dealership would be against this? Look at Gulf States Toyota, they are marking up Toyotas so highly they can afford to spend over $750k buying votes to keep Tesla out and their existing business model intact. Does Toyota or Ford want to run their distribution…
Im not sure if the Ford Edge is in that category, but we just got one of those and couldn't be happier with it, Im sure its not as sporty to drive as the Mazda, but it has amazing leg room and holds a baby car seat fantastically.
Look at the seat headrest over Arnie's left shoulder too compared to the one over Tom's right shoulder. Way lower. I bet they took the rails off and bolted the seat to the floor.
There are team orders to let teammates pass or to hold up other people, but crashing on purpose doesn't happen often, and the last time it was really obvious, it turned into a big shit storm called crashgate. It got teams suspended, and Flavio Briatore, the team principle I think, Is still banned to this day.
Look how low Arnie is sitting in that second picture compared to Tom Arnold, who is a short little guy, I think Arnie is sitting on the floor.
Thats why its awesome
They live streamed the MSG show, I was listening at home, and actually have an MP3 of the show somewhere. That week was crazy, scalpers bought a ton of the MSG tickets, so a very angry James Murphy set up a bunch of last minute small gigs for the fans at small venues around NY. Only time I have been jealous of…
Yep, living in Chicago I couldn't go to the MSG show, but Shut Up and Play the Hits was a fantastic watch.
God I miss this band
How about donating it to a college to build a DARPA autonomous rig on it or alternative energy power train. I guess it would still need a VIN though, what a waste.
Destroying it sure seems rather wasteful and an over reaction. Couldn't export it and sell it off? Raise money for charity, pay off the national debt (drop in the bucket I know) or something? There must be a better solution for this than needlessly smashing a cool and perfectly functional car. And Id be saying this if…
I really hope they can pull through, they have really become my favorite team on the grid. Between Kimi being awesome, the car very competitive, and their social networking/marketing being fun and not taking themselves too seriously, they are fun to root for, especially since they are doing it all on a low budget. I…
Both parties are at fault, Ralph shouldn't have called him an ass (and realized this by deleting the tweet) and Scott is being overly aggressive and pushy ass about it and is taking it public for some reason.