rawr rawr rawr rawr

What the fuck are you talking about? This man slept with 13 and 14 year old girls. Are you seriously defending him?

She’s not the only one who says they slept with Bowie as an underage girl.

What I’m doing is pointing out hypocrisy. There’s not an excuse for this. It doesn’t mater if it was normalized or not. People treat Bowie like a hero because they like him. He raped children. You want to start burying people because of sexual misconduct don’t let the worse offenders get away with it just because you

Remember when David Bowie died and everyone acted like he was a hero? He raped children.

Because people, all people, are self centered assholes.

I bet weird al is a perv

What ever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?

What are you talking about its well intentioned? We’ve been asking for equality, for a seat at the table, to stop being treated like animals and been seen for human beings. Treating white people like trash doesn’t accomplish any of those goals. This is a misguided power trip. This is exactly the same shit white people

Haha, I’ve had this disagreement with friends. Just because a woman is at a bar with a book it doesn’t mean she’s lonely. People read. People read and have a drink.

His name is Robert Paulson.

Some people live in situations where installing a plug is impossible... both renters and owners.

Isn’t that more of an issue or home dynamics than institutional support? Male residents who have children don’t get more support, they have someone else to be the primary caretaker. I’m sure any woman who has a the proper support structure at home after giving birth would be successful (I realize that being pregnant


Yeah... paparazzi exists because of men. Definitely not because of magazines that cater to women.

This is the correct attitude for any minority working in any field.

You should definitely try having sex without a condom. Go find someone, get tested and wait for the results then bone with impunity. It’s SO MUCH better.

Being small and lightweight but physically strong is ideal for people who are hanging off of cliffs and shit. She has the perfect physique for the role of jumping across ravines and hanging from stuff.

HOLY SHIT! A white man in the 1950s was sexist????? NO WAY DUDE. I, for one, refuse to believe these lies and know for a fact that the 1950s was a very progressive era in the history of the United States. *HEAVY SARCASM*

I think the biggest difference is that you can’t give up control of the ring if you aren’t controlling the fight. Yes, Canelo loves to ride that rope and pop off counters all fight but you can’t do that when you don’t seem to be outpunching or even causing the other fighter to consider not walking you down (save maybe