Don’t go crazy, Canelo is a good defensive boxer but he’s no Mayweather. The dude gets hit... knocked down no but all those hits add up.
Don’t go crazy, Canelo is a good defensive boxer but he’s no Mayweather. The dude gets hit... knocked down no but all those hits add up.
52 professional fights is a long career regardless of how old you are.
False equivalency much? I mean, you realize that there’s levels to this shit... right? That being poor is NOTHING like being fat. Or the fact that we live in a country were an 8 year old mixed race kid by survived an attempted lynching this week isn’t the same thing as google employing too many men. You realize that…
The problems is an SUV might have rolled if it was hit that amount of force. Rolling in an SUV is dangerous.
You could just not watch his shit if you don’t like his jokes. You fucking people are so stupid. You really think transphobia is going to go away because people don’t fucking talk about it. So small minded and stupid for a bunch of well educated folks. Policing speech doesn’t keep bad things from happening. This isn’t…
It’s just big words. I’m a chemist, everyone wants to think these people are super duper smart. It’s the creative people who are the best at this game... not the people who can memorize the most big words.
Most ice cream doesn’t have gluten in it... do you know what gluten is?
oh they always build airports with moving runways so you can always take off with the wind always coming at you from the same angle? oh wait, airports are magical places where the conditions are always perfect for takeoff and landings and wind direction and speed never change? I NEED YOUR KNOWLEDGE!
I wonder if the wind changes how quickly they can ascend or descend.... I know nothing about flying a plane but that’s my guess.
HIV is an autoimmune disease. These children have weakened immune systems.
Maybe HIV is an autoimmune disease which causes kids who have it to have considerably weakened immune systems and taking precautions to not spread more germs to these kids is actually a fantastic idea.
Romero was an olympic westler. You don’t think he’s probably one of the best weight cutters in MMA? Maybe that’s why he looks like a light heavyweight.... because years of training in being as big and strong as possible but cutting down to the lightest weight to give yourself a huge advantage in strength is a pretty…
You used pubmed... over stated the significance of a paper with N=20.... also think that if something is published then it is true... my guess is you are in a master’s program?
All milk is gross and not meant to be consumed in liquid form... unless you consider milkshakes liquid.
Peanut better and raspberry jam. The only acceptable PB&J.
Can’t tell if troll or not... must be troll.
A lot of people don’t realize how much better winter tires can be over all season. I didn’t until I bought a car with summer tires and it snowed 2 days later. I bought winter tires and felt like I could climb a fucking mountain in that thing.
dehydrating the fuck out of himself for 24 hours before weigh-in.... you know, the same way all the rest of these giant dudes do it.
The Japanese one will sing to you.
The Japanese one will sing to you.