rawr rawr rawr rawr

Doesn’t it come with PS Cup 2 tires? Shouldn’t they just use the tires that come standard???

They’ve actually been discovering that oil based lubricants are pretty bad for the skin around the genital areas. Disrupting the layer of skin causes an increase in susceptibility to STD infection.

You do realize it takes awhile to grow a fro that big?

to be fair “giving up the ghost” literally means dying so it doesn’t make ANY sense in even a metaphorical one here. his career could give up the ghost.....

The world is a cold dead place now...

they could just legally ride in your lane if you would prefer. i know i do.

point taken

It makes so much sense when you think about it. Ignorance has spread at a rapid pace. People spend all their time watching television. Intelligence is met with skepticism. What else did you expect to happen?

My rice cooker has fuzzy logic programming and I always wondered what that meant..... It’s going to try to kill me.

I still hate it soooo much.



you are correct.

french dance music is edm. it’s not like the french have some special dance music that they listen to. french college kids listen to douche-bro edm music and there is nothing spiritual about douche-bro edm.


why is it always white people?

what do you do for a living?

yes and it’s because you are stupid.

you’ve proven my point exactly. you can’t even comprehend sentences correctly.

I’m dying to see Lebron lose another championship series. I even like the guy.