rawr rawr rawr rawr

You mean anytime their defense is fucking terrible every jagoff in Pittsburgh decides its completely Fleury’s fault? Pittsburgh sports fans are THE DUMBEST fans in sports.

the flying spaghetti monster isn’t real.

we’ve already established that you are stupid so nobody cares.

nobody enjoys dylan because of his voice. not everything has to be pretty to be enjoyable.

that’s how dylan sings every song.


they need to make a sequel to beerfest!

THAT looks worse!

I’m pretty sure the OP was talking about the dudes short length.... calm down.

People still have bath robes?

the beaver on the back automatically brings it up to top 10 status regardless of the garbage nature of the other side.

harrison didn’t play lead on that song.

you do understand the point of a tribute concert? harrison didn’t even play fucking lead on that song but he was a lead guitarist. and not a flashy lead either.

Am I just old or is this hot garbage?

The person said crying is a mammalian trait.... that’s like all animals with fur(there are more delineations than that but thats the most obvious) so dogs and cats are mammals. Other mammals would include elephants, monkeys, sheep, rats...... uhhhhh...... yeah all sorts of shit. Kangaroos. Sloths. Just not like birds

I respect the shit out of Prince’s ability to shred but the truth is that performance is the antithesis of what George Harrison’s guitar style was all about. There are thousands of people who can wail but most of them don’t understand beauty in Harrison’s nuance.

So, you are saying that the Diaz brothers figured out the fundamentals of boxing???? Amazing!

a hero’s dose is a colloquial term in certain circles used to describe the amount of psychedelics needed to bring about “ego death.” almost like what native americans do for like spiritual journeys and shit.

Philly is a garbage city full of garbage people.

Cleveland is hot garbage.