New York has collected the photographs and firsthand accounts of 35 of the 46 women who allege Bill Cosby raped…
New York has collected the photographs and firsthand accounts of 35 of the 46 women who allege Bill Cosby raped…
Only this one time. I mean it’s not like she’s a waitress or anything.
her face said: Bob put more babies into my uterus
hm. a fake person and a real person having a relationship. w ryan gosling in it.
Oh god, these are all terrible.
The wax figures can’t hold a candle to the real thing.
Yeah, someone at Madame Tussaud’s HATES J Lo.
J-Lo’ is kinda terrifying.
The thing about Kim is that I was always under the impression that beneath the substances there was a genuinely sweet, but woefully fragile person. Over the course of this season I’ve observed her show that she is awful to the bone, both drunk and sober. Her behavior was so inexcusable, her tactics so dirty, her…
¿Dónde está la biblioteca?
spoiler alter… What kind of girl is this? Its a whiney, entitled, out of touch douche. That's what kind of girl it is.
Yeah, doesn't make me want to read it. In fact, makes me dislike her even more. Quite frankly, sounds like any other entitled kid complaining about life and how it was/is so unfair to them personally. Personally, I just don't know why anyone even gives two craps about her overrated show or thoughts. She is about as…
I am so sick of hearing about this slag. She treats everyone around her like shit and has since her pre-fame days. I refuse to let this walking personality disorder be the standard-bearer for my industry or my feminism.
I imagine reading this book would not be unlike the South Park tale of Scroty McBoogerballs, where the reader can only manage a few words before vomiting profusely.
"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."
If you smoke marijuana, Tony Stewart will kill you.
Next time I have an orgasm I really want to say, "Take 3 Satisfaction Tokens from the Intimacy Pool" but I'd just be talking to myself.