
Good. Fuck Putin, fuck homophobes, fuck fascists, fuck em all.

*Paul Ryan smashes his decade-old iPod*

It’s too bad he didn’t live.

Apparently Cynthia Erivo is huge on Broadway, but I had never heard of her before Widows. So it’s nice to see her profile growing as a movie actress, especially in a star turn like this. Hopefully the movie will be enough of a success that pressure builds on this joke of an administration to reverse course and approve

Yeah, you’ve got a big ole anecdotal evidence and that-one-kind-of-fallacy-I-cant-remember messing with your compelling argument there.

What industry are you in, what area do you live in, is there a straight line in wage growth, do you own the means of production, whats your annual cost chart look like, what exactly is

Relative to profits, wages have been stagnant for about four decades. An anecdote about wages of a few individuals doesn’t change that.

took the words right out of my soul. The model for modern gaming,(much like everything in america) is predatory. Unfortunately with capitalism being the gospel that it is here everything is morally relative based on how profitable it is.  

Arctic is burning. Amazon is being cut down at an incredible rate. Hurricanes are dropping more water as the climate changes. Unplanned Medical services can financial cripple a large chunk of Americans. Wages haven’t gone up in years. And I got an headache.

I can’t see anything related to Cats without thinking of the episode of Get a Life where Chris is in a local stage production of the Cats-esque “Zoo Animals on Wheels,” and you see an old man in the audience (although you can’t hear him), his face full of anger and confusion, ask his wife, “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??”

Welcome to the AV CLUB since you must be new here.

This is the first time I’ve ever wanted to ask “Why was this article written?”. It seems a little sex shamey? Sure, if he wrote that about a stranger or someone he wasn’t already in a decade long relationship with it would come across as creepy. But he wrote it about his wife. He wrote it in the same tone/voice that

Because killing colored babies is doing the work for white America and gets a pass.

White privilege isn’t about being wealthy.

The freaking cartoon did this story right 25 years ago.

Wolverine really has a thing for unavailable women.

Ooooh, we could get the Starjammers! Like the Guardians of the Galaxy, only they’re crap.

What if? Disney X-Men turns out to be more Star Wars than Avengers?

“ye best start believing in AV Clubs...You’re in one!”

“Hi, I’m Troy McClure! You may remember me from such other poverty porn flicks like Unwrapping Edith’s Bindle and Erotic Vagrancy!”