They wouldn’t just spit on you/us: They would gleefully kill you/us in cold blood.
They wouldn’t just spit on you/us: They would gleefully kill you/us in cold blood.
Adam Kinzinger is right there. Old School Republican. I don’t like his politics but at least he doesn’t appear to be a fucking psychopath.
This is why Stewart’s show is stuck in 2004. He still thinks there’s a way forward in trying to deal with outward fascists. He’s still trying to “both sides” everything when one side wants to literally kill and imprison the other. Having O’Reilly on the show is gross as shit, no one should give him a platform to say…
What the everloving fuck is wrong with the Stewart and the show that they thought this was a good idea?
Yes lets be united with the... *checks notes* president and vice president nominees who have called for violence against democrats, removal of Mexicans, and think trans people should not exist.
I like Jon, but this is par for the course with him. I think he’s a phenomenal critic of the media, but is much worse as a political pundit, especially when he tries to engage in good faith with his bad faith sparring partners from the right. It’s very cringe-worthy, and only gets moreso as the climate continues to…
What is possibly to be gained by having that piece of human filth on Stewart’s show?
If Jon thinks having Bad Faith Argument O’Reilly on to discuss the political divide is “balance”, what does that say about him?
It’s Rabin! Now bring back Sean O’Neil, Tasha Robinson, and Zodiac Motherfucker!
The problem with jailhouse snitching is that there is often a lack of other evidence to support the testimony and the snitcher is often being bribed in order to get them to lie, as in, “We’ll reduce the charges against you if you help us convict someone who is possibly innocent.”
Tim Allen is a coke snitch, always worth remembering, really sad the reaper took John Ritter instead of him
Oh yeah the mayor says he was talking to old Little Flower. Missed opportunity to make that a gag.
If you gathered all the executives at Sony Pictures together and told them to boil a pot of water they’d end up burning down the house and then steal the insurance money.
Not a hot take. Closer to the best take. At the very least, most should agree it shouldn’t be #1. It’s way closer to 21 if it has to be on the list
It has more thought, care, and better animation than pretty much every other adult swim show.
Venture Bros is by far my favorite thing Adult Swim has done - just incredible quality all-around with great animation, stories, voice-acting, and humor. Glad it got a proper sendoff with the special that came out a few months back.
No Xavier: Renegade Angel, no sale.
Came to make sure The Venture Bros. was at the number one spot. It’s not. I’m leaving. Loved a lot of these shows though.