I bet they did, but not for long.
I bet they did, but not for long.
There have been MANY amazing artists on Batman. Some that get a ton of love (Neal Adams, Frank Miller) and some that are a bit underrated (I am quite fond of Kelley Jones’ work).
The real Bat-dick is the friends we made along the way.
It doesn’t matter if they censor the comic book. The real Bat-dick is inside each of us.
Cute article but Super Castlevania IV is the best game about walking from the left side of the screen to the right ever made even if the amazing 360 degree whip mechanics are never really taken advantage of properly.
Grohl once guest hosted ‘The Chelsea Handler Show’, of all things. He was a great host- Loose and funny, totally on.
“You look like a can of Diet Pepsi.”
It’s not a public utility, it’s a private website. If you had said the internet is a public utility, you’d have a point, but so far Verizon isn’t blocking Alex Jones’s access to the internet. Alex Jones can still reach whomever he wants via his own website. If you went into a private establishment and started being…
“Damn your eyes!”
Too late! The supplements have been contaminated with chemtrails!
Crane, McFly, or McBride?
Naaah. This takes a lot of oxygen away from the guy. Fewer rubes to sell his Brain Force powder to, and fewer kooks to lure in with his insane theories. Fuck Alex Jones with a rusty chainsaw. I hope the Sandy Hook parents sue him into a homeless shelter. The world would be a better place if his mother had gotten an…
First they came for the gay frogs, and I said nothing, because I ate this big bowl of chili, so I forgot about it. My bad.
Hey, that’s great. All the rest of the verified Nazis, hatemongers, misogynists and blatant racists including the motherfucking President are next, right?
See! Twitter’s 2, 967 Strike Policy does work!
Holy shit, did he do the backing vocals on “When I First Came to Town”? That may be my favorite example of backing vocals ever.
“Shit I need to call my lawyers!” - said the creator of the 2 day unofficial District 9 convention
I’m pretty sure that the “Handy Dandy” hair gel is a reference to “Dapper Dan” from OBWAT.