Grab your broadswords, the quickconing has begun!
Grab your broadswords, the quickconing has begun!
They come in illegally from Indiana, you fucking putz. Go unfasten your lips from Sarah Huckabee’s lowest hanging teat.
“Nothing can be done,” says only country where this regularly happens.
But he also killed the guy who killed Hitler! What a dick!
“Say what you will about Hitler, but at least he killed Hitler.”
Paul Manafort, the one-time campaign manager to President Donald Trump, has been found guilty on eight of 18 felony…
Dr. Mrs. The Monarch: How long have we got until they regain consciousness?
“What, do you expect me to get a job at Tower Records? Well, there are none. And also, I’m made of ectoplasm.”
“I’ve got some sick playlists on there. You like trip-hop?”
How about a “Glenn and Henry Forever” sitcom instead?
Although The CW president Mark Pedowitz played it cool when asked how likely it was that the network would actually…
That was probably my favorite line.
Not to mention that Hank showed some not-inconsiderable skills, whipping that gun out of Wide Whale’s hand into his own. That was some downright superhero level stuff, right there.
I love that Rose, The Action Man, and Colonel Gentleman are having freaky three way sex with enough frequency that Billy has to keep his eyes shut every time he walks through the door.
If only the musical had been made, with Jared aka “Brown Widow” and Sirena’s former boyfriend, as the lead! “I’m Rusty! The man of action. Like muscle mothers, not brothers. On grand adventures, they push me with them. For mayhem. Who’s Rusty? Who’s Rusty? I’m Rusty!”
I loooooved Dean’s accusation of mansplaining (and Rusty’s indignant retort that he was sciencesplaining) because it is just so them, you know?
it was a little hard to hear because of all the wailing, but it was really funny\depressing when Sgt. Hatred started introducing all the various ghosts of people who died connected to the building
Man, it was great to have the Order of the Triad back!
“What’s happening?!?!”