The right coming for Bill Maher has me all Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka: Stop. Don’t. Come Back.
There’s a weird push from right wing twitter to fire Bill Maher in retaliation for calling Trump the son of an Orangutan.
Which is odd because:
A) There’s not racist subtext to comparing Trump to an ape.
B) There’s plenty of actually racist stuff that Bill Maher has said that they could try to bring up if they actually…
I tried to look, but I don’t speak Russian.
An under-rated Schwarzenegger film, in my opinion.
ABC: We’re bringing back Roseanne!
Ideally, Roseanne Barr would not be peddling conspiracy theories and overt racism, but sadly she had to ejaculate every vile thought in her head. Somehow, Roseanne will see herself as the victim in all this.
Most reasonable people like to see racist scum fail.
I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.
Somebody get the Coen brothers on the line and get them writing Goodman a part. He can bring Laurie Metcalf along with him.
The horrifying triumphant rise of Roseanne followed by the almost immediate fall was so brief that it was comical.
I was out shopping for serrated knives all day so I missed the news, but yes, I am thrilled as well.
“Oh god! We’re trapped in an elevator with the devil, like in that movie, Devil!”
I needed this more than the Pirate Captain needed a hit of tranquilizer darts.
Pffft. If you’re not willing to spend years in anxious limbo waiting for the next season of Venture Brothers, you were never a real Venture Brothers fan in the first place.
I... am also quite happy.
If you couldn’t tell by my profile pic, I’m very fucking happy about this.
Dean. Hank’s special gal was the postal carrier.
Lies! The Venture Bros is the Triana to your Hank!
Adult Swim has confirmed that its beloved adventure series spoof/ongoing examination of failure and sadness, The…