
Let’s get down to brass tacks. How much for the ape?

Depp talked to Bill Murray (who played Raoul Duke in ‘Where The Buffalo Roam’) before he played this part, and Bill told him that once you play Hunter Thompson, you can never really get it out of you. I think Bill may have been right. Depp in the first Pirates movie is a mixture of Hunter and Pepe Le Pew.

I think this movie might have broken Johnny Depp.

Dont take any guff from these swine.

Traditional values from a mythic past that never really existed. A hallmark of crazy conservatives, particularly jingoistic nationalists and racists.

Actually, it had well over 25 million minutes of fame! You know, because of inflation.

You can only interview a stack of Campbell soup cans so many times before you lose your audience.

Looks like its 15 million minutes of fame are over.

You have dope kids.

LJ gives old man towel: “See, that’s a good boy. He knows his place.”
LJ throws towel on floor: “See they don’t know their place. Ungrateful.”
LJ stuffs towel into bottle of Everclear, lights it and throws it: “Aaaaa-aaagh!”

OF COURSE one of her children is named Jaxson.

Should’ve said, “Only if you give me the hat,” and then wiped his ass with the hat and thrown it in the garbage. He’d have been fined at least $50k for doing it on national TV, but that shit’s worth every penny.


“CBS diplomatically admits killing the wife on Kevin Can Wait wasn’t a great idea”

He’s definitely not a man who’s mastered the art of fighting without fighting.

He can train with Lee’s reanimated robot corpse but he’s never living that down.

Came here for this.

I’m a bit ashamed to say I came here to see this. Danzig may train with one of Bruce Lee’s core students, however that’s just karma in motion.

Now playing

This story has been up an hour and no Danzig Smackdown video yet? Who even are you people? (*Except you ATHF guy...you’re all right)

“I cannot live with that guy. He is so annoying, he is so frightening, and he doesn’t wear a shirt.”