
A duck walks into a convenience store and asks the guy behind the counter, “You got any Chapstick?” The store owner says, “Sure. You wanna pay for it now?” The duck says, “Nah, you can just put it on my bill.”

I loved Night Court when I was a kid, and have caught some reruns as an adult. It holds up. He is the beating heart of that show. Bull, Dan, Ros, Christine, Mack, and others were great characters, but Harry Anderson grounded it, with his own sharp humor. Harry, Mel Torme, and corny magic tricks. 65 is far too young. I

Aww man this is sad. He seemed like a really nice guy. I’ve been watching Night Court on one of those random antenna stations that plays cheap sydicated shows. It had a solid cast. And, of course that 30 Rock reunion was great.

Yeah, shit like this has changed for the worse in post-9/11 society

Thousands of people seeing the same thing cannot all be wrong.

i miss the days when conspiracy theories were about alien coverups and not just thinly veiled racism.

Amadeus is a beautiful film. Is it a factual film? Not really. But it is one of the truest, most honest and profound films about the nature of talent and creativity, and the pain of those who are brilliant, and those who yearn to be. It is the film that is most personal to me.

Anyone who calls Amadeus historically inaccurate is completely missing the point. Salieri is the one telling the story, of course he’s going to paint himself as well as possible! They also tend to severely overstate how much the film plays Mozart as an ass who just happened to have natural talent, as it’s clearly

Breaking news: Billy Mitchell’s hot sauce found to be made with chipotle emulator, banned from sale worldwide.

From my hazy memory Twin Galaxies was just one guy who worshiped Billy Mitchell.

of the New Haven Deuteronomys?

Hot sauce was probably fake too.

Billy Mitchell was a Guest of Honor at the local arcade expo a few years ago (a really cool event where collectors/players bring together hundreds of pinballs, coin ops, vintage systems, etc, for 3 days of free play) and I will never forget seeing as I was walking out, around midnight on Saturday, Billy Mitchell

My son tells me that The Internet did frame analysis of the documentary and some of the loading screens you saw on Mitchell’s videotape had things that happened in MAME, but not on the real machine.

Nair will, goddamnit.

When I was a wee lad, someone got the high score on some game and left the initials “GOD,” and goodness, did I find that funny.

You may take away Billy Mitchell’s Donkey Kong scores, but you’ll never take away his hot sauce empire or his disproportionately bosomy wife!


As someone who’s spent 20 minutes playing Donkey Kong in the last month, that games fuckin’ impossible. Also, this is one of only a few docs I’ve seen in a theater, it’s so damn good.