
Yeah, I immediately thought of this. I saw Cloak & Dagger when I was a kid and this scene scared the shit out of me. Partially because I was young enough when I saw it that I wasn’t used to things not being what they seemed in a movie.  The possibility that this nice old couple weren’t what they seemed never occurred

I hear the basement is nice.

Utena is one of the big inspirations for Steven, and that’s awesome because they’re two of the best and gayest cartoons ever made.

The only thing in Garnet’s story that wasn’t stylized was the corruption blast, which also has to mean something interesting.

white diamond’s giant hand sighting! she big.


that forehead is so big, I’d almost call it a fivehead

The mushrooms finally kicked in. 


I would very much like to see this fight. No matter who loses, we all win!

I feel like I should be more excited, or at least amused by this claptrap. In stead, I think I am a little depressed. All this talk of fighting and hating and me vs. you just sucks. It’s so pervasive in our society.

“Looks like ol’ Mario’s kind of got a taste of his own medicine.”

Good grief it’s like you actually thought, “What would be the least appropriate comment for this article about Molly Ringwald coming to terms with John Hughes’ sometimes-gross treatment of femininity,” and then wrote that. You couldn’t take the extra half second to scan the article before commenting some

Everything wrong with vehicle shows.

Now it’s an extension of the Hamptons Luxury Resort Megalopolis but back in the 50s it was pretty remote. 2.5 hours from NYC w/o traffic.

It’s fuckin’ Montauk, man.

The most obvious comment on this article? You guessed it: Frank Stallone.

Someone else may be doing something similar, therefore there is nothing of value being stated in this article.  

Everyone who worked with Kricfalusi knew he was an abusive asshole. I was low level employee at Viacom in the 90s, and the stories about his bad behavior were rampant. It’s possible that management didn’t know he was a predatory sexual harasser at the time, but they knew he treated people like shit. Nobody reported

Sadly, I’m not surprised. Saddened and revolted and angry, but not surprised. There are predatory men who operate under the guise of being “like a big kid” and prey on young and impressionable underage people.