Do you know what killed the dinosaurs? Jurassic Park 3.
Do you know what killed the dinosaurs? Jurassic Park 3.
Since Gygax died in 2008, I think a lot of people are looking forward to the day Trump meets with Gary Gygax...
How do we bully you? By trying to have a rational discussion about guns?
How do we isolate you? By trying to have a rational discussion about guns?
How do we make you disconnected? By trying to have a rational discussion about guns?
Perhaps if you would put the gun down for a few minutes, we could have a rational…
Also he’s going to meet with Gary Gygax and get to the bottom of this satanic black magic stuff in Dungeons & Dragons!
He should meet with Judas Priest and one of those gangster rappers too. Problem solved!
Get Gail Simone.
Now you apologize to Miss Lang AT ONCE!
I just assume that it would be the same as Too Many Cooks.
My favorite line from the show is “Eat shit and die, you cunting slag heap.”
It’s just a shame that we’ll probably never get to see Fullest House, the most complete expression of his creative vision.
It certainly makes sense that the person who created Full House AND Fuller House is a complete monster
I would respectfully submit emo-parker from Spiderman 3 as the most Raimi moment of the series. No other director would have made the suit change Peter from a wholesome everyman into a smarmy greasy douchebag and the entire scene in the jazz club was classic tongue-in-cheek Raimi. Why the entire internet would rather…
Now you know what’s in all those barrels.
Donkey Kong Jr. had to come from somewhere
Donkey Kong climax... ew.
Definitely the Raimiest part of the Spiderman movies.
That’s also the climax of Donkey Kong.
Yep, that’s the scene that immediately came to mind for me too.
“As great as those Spider-Man movies could be, they never showed the same dank, freaky, euphoric spark that Raimi had when he made Darkman.”
That’s the French!