
I have high hopes for this movie, but it annoys me when people make a big deal about works of entertainment being “for adults.” I just got done re-watching Babylon 5, and even though I still enjoyed it a lot I still don’t care for all JMS’s talk about how he was making a show FOR ADULTS! People who say things like

Boy child of prophecy gets magic powers that allow him to take down an oppressive empire.

O Dune, where is thy Sting?

Come back ya yeller...why you....shake harder boy!

Han Solo could leave a lady satisfied in less than twelve parsecs.

Spoiler Alert: His version will be three hours long and have no Sting.

Stormy Daniels Troopers?

She bends it?

Ewoks doing their taxes?

Spoiler alert: Princess Leia does more than just kiss that wookiee.

Hmm...I googled “Star Wars for adults” and I got something else completely different.

That kid in the back row types 80085 on his calculator, but then the kid he passes it to turns it over and reads, SBOOB?

Actually, I was thinking The Descendents when I saw that title. Maybe they just went with Everclear for the trailer because they’re more recognizable as a 90s band.

Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be.

So it’s based on the 90s, called “Everything Sucks!” and yet fails to put Reel Big Fish in its trailer. I’m stumped. 

Trapper Keeps seem more 80s to me.

I think the ‘70s was the decade people were nostalgic for in the ‘90s. The two-decades-ago peak nostalgia rule is pretty consistent that way.

Jesus fucking christ, did you have to say that was 3rd grade for you?!? I was in my early 20s. Now I feel fucking ancient.

How Sad. “Linger” is such a beautiful song, it can still give me heartache all these years later.
