
It’s about time.

Bless Razer for having the balls, but you do know Razer in large part ripped off the design of Apple’s 15-inch Retina Macbook Pro to do so? The very thing you say Apple doesn’t know how to do is the whole reason the 14-inch Blade exists as it does.

Getting this upset about other people’s computer preferences and glorious rebuttal about “Big hairy cock” sure makes me value your opinion.

That’s why I still use a 640 x 480 display and a 13” tube TV. Only fanbois like high resolution displays. I’d go back to 320 x 200 if only I could get my hands on one.

Please show us on the doll where Apple touched you.

Yes, far better to use resources that can’t be replaced...cause there is always more oil right? And I am sure you’re going to start on the climate change myth next, and then add that vaccinations cause autism and 9/11 was an inside job...sigh...

Green? That hourglass is clearly blue and black.

I mean, if it had an Apple logo and ran OS X...

I like that the related story shows Solo as one of the "10 Science-Fiction Heroes Who Don't Need Origin Stories," because that.

Odds are that 1/6 of the colors will already be on a side they will end up on so you would only have to fix about 84% of them (that's ~1,456 which would only be 3 per minute).

Now playing

There's a behind the scenes video (in German, I think, but with subtitles) here. Apparently it's all done with actual milk, but each final is composited from hundreds of individual shots.

I've had MoviePass for 3 years. The AMC partnership doesn't mean that you can ONLY go to AMC theaters (I just confirmed with them about this yesterday). I use it at Alamo Drafthouse all the time for indie films and 2nd run movies. It's a great system.

The thermal district of Beppu on Kyushu has a number of large hot springs known as the Beppu Hells - Beppu no jigoku which are easy to get to from the city centre. The two best are a still bright orange red pool surrounded by pines called Chi no Ike - the Pool of Blood which is stained by iron oxide and the stunningly

That pic is so cool... I want to go there and see it for myself!

The best was definitely Nimoy reenacting Spock's death scene through the glass. ;)

Loved the gratuitous lens flare during Quinto's scenes.

Okay, that was awesome. Not sure what made me laugh more. Nimoy going <bleep> or him giving Quinto the nerve pinch to beat him inside. Both are a win.