
Like everybody and their dogs, was gonna mention this; Messe Kopp ain't got nothing on the Pharcyde (and Spike Jonze).

Fat and salt :D Anyway, I'm mostly tongue-in-cheek here. Not a huge fan of bacon myself, though there are some processed meats that I'd miss immensely without.

I shoot film cameras. Old, big honkin' film cameras. And I'd pissed if a hack on Gizmodo proclaimed me an asshole for using 50 year old technology in public just because I like it. I like your attitude; type away.


That's because you can't "see" it. It needs to be recorded on video shooting @ 24fps.

So by eating "healthily" as defined here, the risk of you dying early goes down a few percentage points, while your QOL plummets about 75% because, you know, BACON. Good tradeoff? I think not.

You make an interesting point; however, remember that behind every thrilling, and successful "chase scene", if you will, there's bound to be ten that end badly for the camera; they go unnoticed at a garage sale then into the dumpster; they become a "hey, nice toy for my toddler" which 2 weeks later becomes a

While I understand your sentiment, I disagree with you if you think it's A-OK to leave behind the biggest headache for your loved ones and/or don't care about what happens to all that treasure you've collected and curated after you die. No, I care very much about both my loved ones and my cameras, so I'd want them

What often happens with this kind of collection is that when the owner *does* die, the family is left with a ton of shit they have no idea what to do with. So they have an "estate sale", where resellers come in droves like hungry hyenas and purchase a huge chunk of the collection for nickels and dimes, which they

I have to agree; I mean not being able to get across the sheer awesomeness of 3D printing to the average joe is one thing. A Gizmodo writer not getting it?? I am flabbergasted.

There might be no wrong answer, but there's definitely a right answer: the only method that has NEVER failed to work for me––and let me tell you, I have a weak diaphragm or something, because I get hiccups A LOT––is to hold your breath, absolutely hold it in not letting anything in or out, for 1 minute. Works every

While I understand what you're saying, I wouldn't attribute it so much to White Stripes as i would to Michel Gondry.

OK, maybe the Chinese like Weibo or whatever the heck, but I do know for a fact that there are many Chinese Twitter users, and I refuse to believe there are more Arabic Twitter users in NYC than Chinese ones. There has to be an explanation for this.

I can think of another, MUCH more interesting use for a stabilized "balls"-eye view footage.

Wow. It's a schooner.

Sounds like an m83 knock-off band... but I'll give their stuff a try. As for the video, not very inspiring.

http://youtu.be/9403179 Elements of this

I haven't used Vine and don't plan to any time soon. However, I'll say this; you probably don't get it mostly because the users still don't get it. They're like "WTF do I do with this?". All new services are like that. Give is some time (some) people might start using it in an intresting way. You know, kinda like

Yeah, the whole part about his brother's apparition showing up and pointing to the woods for nothing... weird editing. Also, I thought the ending was the weakest part of the movie.

That works. As long as you use one lens on one camera.