Yeah, cuz Instagram could not have thrived without it's multi-platform support.
Yeah, cuz Instagram could not have thrived without it's multi-platform support.
Love it <3
I agree about Theon. Contrary to the wish of the author, he needs to be kept alive, and let his character develop a lot more.
Orrrrrrr. You stay up longer->you eat more?
No.40 should be somewhere in the Top 40, but whatevs :-)
What's with all the street photography hate? Some of the best photographers in history were "street photographers". Henri Cartier-Bresson, hello?
Lead authors are good friends & colleagues of mine. Exciting find for sure :-)
Touché. I meant the 50/1.0L :-) Incidentally, the 25/0.95 on a m4/3 sensor gives you the equivalent of a 50/1.8 lens on FF, so if you want the equivalent, you'd be paying less for a Canon.
’Course, Canon does have a 50mm F0.95 lens, which will beat the crap out of the Voigtländer 8 days out of the week :-)
There are so many more...
You do realize that the "diatribe" you reference wasn't written by Tyson but by Paolos, right? What am I saying; of course not.
OK, then that's that :-)
Here's what wasn't made clear for me. Siri uses "natural speech" which sends a lot of the commands to a remote server instead of doing everything on the phone. I believe Voice Actions doesn't do something similar. Which is OK as long as you're comparing commands that will be processed on the phones; however, if some…
Wrong. Sucking in the best possible way = fellatio.
Here's my Photoshop/levitation tutorial on Flickr that gets about 20K hits per month :-)
Batty: Did you get your precious photos?
That's because you follow shit photogs. Despite what was mentioned in the article (about Instagram as a communications tool), I do with Instagram what I do with Flickr; I follow good photographers (for the most part). The end result is that my stream is full of well thought-out images produced with a machine and…
Similarly, I would like to fully, and completely condemn those stupid "Freeze-dried Ice Cream" they sell you at ridiculous prices for at the Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space.
I've heard people say that, too. I think they're just confused between a band being "overrated" and them not liking the band as much as many people do. If anything, the Beatles are underrated... in that not many people know exactly how *much* they've contributed to modern music.
I distinctly remember reading about a man who hadn't slept once for years, and was doing fine; and also that lack of sleep *per se* won't kill anybody. So the question I have is, are these people really dying *because* they can't sleep? Or, are insomnia and the eventual death of these people both symptoms of the…