
@iDon't even: I'm in the same boat. When the first MBAs came out, I thought it was seriously under specced (slower than the white MacBook I had back then) and I thought I'd still need the DVD-RW.

@citaro: Are you on crack? When they say a full-sized keyboard, they mean a full-size keyboard. The two MBAs will have the same full-size keyboard that the current MacBook/Pros have.

@Pessimippopotamus: Do all your acquaintances complain that the iPad isn't doing the job they intended it to do?

@FP_slomo788: Nope. Reading comprehension. Work on it.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: I don't think *anybody*, including people who bought iPads, ever said that the iPad was an adequate replacement for a computer. Straw man. Look it up.

@Necrotoxin: "Because I didn't enjoy the movie, and felt it was a waist of money makes me a troll?"

The Economic Downturn. When did it start? Think about it.

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I appreciate this sci-fi angle and the discussions that can come out of it on a blog like io9, but frankly, I'm getting fucking sick and tired of western blogs portraying this and related news as but another "creepy thing the tentacle-porn obsessed hentai Japs are doing in their far-east la-la-land of theirs".

@Brad Roth: The niche is definitely there. Just listen to the people around here who were looking forward to it. I know a few people myself, who would've wanted it.

@Wade McGillis: Ahh, the ingenious "take what he says and flip it around to make a clever comeback" trick that nobody's done before!

@thebear91: And you think a quality comparison between iOS apps and Android apps will be in Android's favor??

@Brad Roth: You make a boat load of sense!! So, you know what everybody should do? They should make "tablets" with 3.5in screens. After all, if you can use a 3.5in smartphone fine, then a tablet at that size should be no problemo, right?

@JDickson87: "Who else has used the words amazing, awesome, magical, fantastic, or incredible when describing their own products as much as Apple?"

@ima747: Thanks for the inside info. While I agree that Jobs went overboard to make it sound like Android was a quagmire, it seemed absurd that a "fragmentation" issue is completely non-existent. If anything, Jobs was dumb to pick TweetDeck as an example; the fucker runs on pretty much everything (poorly I might

@JDickson87: I agree a lot of what Jobs said was steam, but let's put it in the proper perspective.

@LoneRobot: This is the only way I could interpret it, too. And seeing how many people were truly pissed off by that scene, I guess it really served its purpose.

@talkingstove: iPad sales is weaker than who expected? They've sold over 7 million units since launch, and heading into the holiday season, I can easily see them selling 5m units during the last quarter, which would put the sales figures for '10 at 12m units, which is about as optimistic a number I've come across.

@complextinction: Yes. iPad sales will plummet as we head into the holiday season. Makes perfect sense.