
@Pope John Peeps II: "And somehow nobody has ever noticed this "industry-wide" problem? "

@permagenix: Introducing different perspectives is good; however, when you say "statistically huge" I'm assuming you mean statistically significant. I agree, it probably is.

@Al Swearengen: I agree "It happens to other phones" is not a real answer.

@megadj: Break the phone at the same time. Problem solved.

@devianaut: I enjoyed last night's premiere, too, and I will see it in the theaters at least one more time, and probably buy the Blu-ray.

I personally had no problem at all with Pitch Black (though I never saw it in theaters), but I have noticed this problem with some movies, both at the theaters and at home.

@RawheaD: s3r10µsly? I g3t 4 d3v0w3l 4 th4t blµrb??? L0L. µ kn3w th1s w4s 4 BS p13c3, d1dn't µ? :-DDDDDD 1'm 0µtt4 h3r3. 3nj0y y0µr p3tty l1ttl3 f13fd0m.

Wht's hlrs, Jss, s tht y thght ths ws pst-wrthy tpc nd spnt mr thn 30 scnds prprng th grphcs nd th txt t g wth t; tht's wht's hlrs.

@dragonjo8: The only people in denial are you and the legion of haters around here.

I appreciate the self-deprecating humor, but it's not really an apt comparison. Here's the biggest difference between the two:

@KillerBee: No it's you yeah you, the audience, that is the Devil, mwahahaahaha.

@vel0city: Uh, why should Apple have to conform to what you expect? Last time I checked, Apple is the only company that makes its own hardware, its own smartphone OS, and runs and maintains its own App Store.

Yeah, evil Apple, evil Steve. Only Steve and Apple would do such a shitty thing as to only allow apps developed with their SDK to run on one of their (unhacked) devices.

@palinode: They make you READ? In a movie??? What, did everyone in Europe miss their Movie 101 class or something? Nobody's ever had to read anything in a movie, like, ever, in the history of movies!!

@NeoAkira: What kind of third-rate colleges are you referring to? The ones that I'm familiar with here in Boston are all dead silent, as they should be :-P

@palinode: They must've been French. Those frogs clearly have something against our language. Us, in general, it seems. No idea why.

@chefgon: Except Android is the biggest rival to iOS. Jobs knows this; that's why he's pissed.