
This is the most Physically Challenged timeline, for sure.


Eh. It's pretty douchey (douchie?) to waste precious comments on stuff one doesn't even have an interest in.

I know. I was avoiding doing a thing at work, so I got a little wonky there. I humbly apologize. Perhaps it was I who was the massive douche in the first place.

*monocle pops out*

Time is a circular argument.

What if the character of Tony Soprano is dead, but Chase just enjoys keeping up the conversation?

What if David Chase is a massive troll?

And that's okay.

The FBI is still looking for him and all that money…

Her name was Lola. She was a slow girl.

Tony uses his skin changer ability to leap into another nearby gangster. It's totally obvious.

You don't have to be so vain or rigid, you know.

Then Warner Brothers has already won.

No problem.

It is a confusing moment in an otherwise extremely delightful film.


What the hell is up with Cousin Eddie going "Bingo" like an asshole for no reason in that scene?

Vacation fans are known for attention to detail, superb tastes in general, and adherence to the so-called canon films.

Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme
Come on now, it's murder time!