
Yes, it still applies if the subordinate initiates. I understand why it might suggest infantilization, given that it seems to compare to other scenarios where context muddies consent — with minors, for example, or inebriation — but those are just some possible scenarios.

It’s not really about the age difference, it’s about the power imbalance of their roles — even if he was just her boss, that’s a real problem, but he was literally the president, arguably the most powerful person in the world at the time. There doesn’t have to be an explicit threat to her employment for that to be an

It may have been consensual, but it absolutely is an abuse of power when someone in a higher position—like president—has an affair with someone in a lower position—like an intern. And even if both parties wanted the affair, he should have had the gumption to say to her that it’s not appropriate for them to have an

This is my literal dream house.

I just feel fucking terrible generally.

Same. I’ve been shielding my parents since I was 8. You’re the first person I’ve seen who has mentioned this. It is such a big part of not telling them. 

How about because so many of us didn’t even know it even was sexual assault. I still have internalized complicity for different assaults that have occurred throughout my life, but at least when we’re adults if we are lucky, we have the time and wisdom to reflect on the fucked up shit that has happened to us and

By your line of reasoning it seems like someone needs to be hurt or embarrassed by an action in order for it to be a prank. If I’m correct in my assessment then I really hope you never decide to prank anyone else because it appears that you believe pranks should be inherently mean-spirited.

Go full-on Tibetan monk! Protest Kaep by torching YOURSELVES!

Are people not allowed to be civil and even kind to whom they disagree with anymore?

I also enjoy:

I’m glad Rebecca’s given up her quest to be the Dollar Tree Caity Weaver, but it looks like she wants to be Rich “whatever it takes for clicks” Juzwiak instead. Girl, at least Rich has a voice and agree or not with him he’s consistent.

I lost two dogs within a week of each other to unrelated illnesses as well.  It was DEVASTING and I am still grieving 8 months later to the point of depression.  This article is not cool

Wtf is going on with Jezebel? Over the last year articles have just been getting plain mean and bitchy. Often with no apparent cause.

Nope, don’t like this. 13 is a pretty good life span for a dog, and unfortunately it’s not THAT uncommon for cats to unexpectedly pass away. Happened to my beloved Chester who died suddenly at 5 years old, even though he had seemingly always been in perfect health. Lots of cats live with undiagnosed heart murmurs

I agree with the others that this is really unfair. I once lost all four of my childhood pets in the span of a year. We had adopted them all around the same time, and they were all old, and pets have a tendency to become depressed when one of their own dies. The Lamby situation was fucked up, but this is a gross

Bowie died because he was 13 fucking years old. That’s a pretty good innings for that breed, especially for a shelter dog that was already of advanced age when you got it. You said that yourself in the article.

This article is just wrong. Please rethink the tone in which you choose to write about people’s pets dying. It’s not funny and trying to be clever about it is just mean.

You know what, I don’t get outwardly pissed at Jezebel or individual writers very often, but this whole article and it’s not-so-subtle subtext is horrible. It’s disgusting and y’all should be ashamed.

I just had 2 pets die in a 2 week time span for completely unrelated reasons. When you own a lot of animals, eventually they are going to die. This seems like fishing for a headline in a really gross way.