The shelters where I am (Savannah) let you bring your pets. Which is awesome. When I went through several hurricanes in Florida in 2004-05, the shelters wouldn’t let you.
The shelters where I am (Savannah) let you bring your pets. Which is awesome. When I went through several hurricanes in Florida in 2004-05, the shelters wouldn’t let you.
The woman can get PR with a wink and a smile.
That’s the action of a man who truly thought his wife was in mortal danger.
I’m cynical as fuck and I’m no fan of the Kardashian/West/Jenner clan. However, they are way too famous to need to do this kind of shit and they are way too canny about money and image as well. The first thing I thought about was thank goodness she’s okay and thank goodness her kids weren’t there. I hope she heals…
No, you are misunderstanding. As a parent you can tell your kids whatever you believe to be true about a topic, in this case cops.
He has a very kind face and this is horrible.
The sound of the baby’s heart eventually breaks the moment of silence and Zoey says, “Thank you, God,” which could be an instinctual reaction from her—she could still be questioning her beliefs.
Of course he is.
So this asshole is studying for a career in Law Enforcement?
Who’s more sensitive, someone who experiences emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault, or someone who experiences emotional distress over a sign warning people who might feel emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault?
The more that I think about it, the more I can’t help feel that autonomous cars aren’t the solution: I think mass-transit of a higher scale/quality/consistency is the real solution. Plus, pushing more and more ‘rural’ routes, so that less urban areas are less dependent on driving everywhere. Humans, or even robots,…
Is this an example of what you mean:
I’d argue that HS kids protesting these issues is vastly more important at this point than athletes and celebrities. They're at a point where A) They have a much higher chance of being victims of the issue at hand B) They're at a point in their lives, preparing to go into the real world and could potentially become…
The principal of the school has good principles, unlike @jgarner63077.
A spokesperson for Seattle Public Schools said it’s a first amendment issue, and the district fully supports the students’ right to freedom of speech.
BBC is quite lazy about this. Australian broadcast networks as well, should you be in the mood to watch Masterchef Australia.
He's gay? There goes my dream of him and Flora settling down in the countryside and baking wonderfully whimsical cakes for all their neighbors.
He is now a Doctor, here in UK we see him pop up on the news being fabulous and left wing when talking about NHS.
This would be the only way I'll still watch. Tamal is the best. He also has a great TV personality.