I’ll hang out with you in the HEY BUT MAYBE HE’LL WIN! club. I think we’re pretty cool.
I’ll hang out with you in the HEY BUT MAYBE HE’LL WIN! club. I think we’re pretty cool.
They can pry my hope for Bernie Sanders from my cold, dead, liberal hands.
It sounds completely weird, but I’ve made rice pudding with bay leaves before and it’s pretty damn good.
And somehow we still fly under the radar on the national stage. Kasich has signed every anti-choice bill that has come across his desk, yet he’s still the most moderate and normal-seeming GOP candidate. Mind is boggled.
So. Let’s say that you are a dude and I am a lady. Someone online calls you a douchcanoe. Oh noes! Your poor fee fees!
Oh come on. Are you suggesting that “Called offensive names” is comparable to being stalked or physically threatened?
but also if our men can’t support a household we better jump in at their say so and make that money and then be available to cook and clean for them and be a hole.
When I was 10 I took the city bus home from the shopping center on a bright, sunny day in late August. As usual the bus was super crowded so I wasn’t sitting which was fine with me because I like to stand. Suddenly, I faintly smelled these wonderful scents : a perfume and aftershave as a couple passed behind me. The…
That last one should have been “people who never changed a diaper before” because I am pretty sure I would be funnier than the try guys, and I’m a mostly hetero 29-year-old lady who has never changed a diaper.
Martha’s Least Favorite Things
Honestly, they just need to give Eugene his own show and call it a day.
$25oLARGE demonstrates support far more than a few words on twitter. I don’t understand Lavato’s criticism. Taylor Swift did not keep her financial gift a secret.
There are only three groups that count as people in this country: corporations, fetuses and white men.
god the THRILLS! I legit am completely still wooed by Obama....forever and ever amen.
Bernie won the female vote as well. So what’s with the sexist assumption that Bernie voters are all male?
So true. As an Ohioan, there is no way in hell that Kasich can be deemed sane when you’ve lived through the hell he’s put our state through for the past few years.
My god, Kasich is equally insane though. The way he is blocking women’s healthcare in OH and defunding PP is legitimately scary. This entire group of candidates on the republican side is a shit show and I am hoping the democrats can somehow manage a win and not fuck things up for those of us who like access to things…
Yay Bernie! I have to admit, I’m pretty excited to see a non-Christian doing so well. As a secular person, I get very tired of presidential candidates having to pass some kind of “churchiness” test.
Any woman is “too good” for a man who has no respect for women.