I’d say everything is going right, because the six year old obviously has an attentive parent willing to get her the help she needs no matter what mean things random people might say.
I’d say everything is going right, because the six year old obviously has an attentive parent willing to get her the help she needs no matter what mean things random people might say.
Yeah, I’m not sure what exactly they were taking but for me it’s not worth the risk! I’ll just suffer through the hangover bit. I’m also the friend who is the least experimental with substances and afraid to take sleeping pills, so.
Yep. No tylenol on alcohol. Never no way. If you have a headache, accept the fact that you deserve it. Then vow to drink a lot of water, eat something rib-sticking, get some sleep and wake up determined to be better the next day having learned something from your experience.
Don’t booze and take Tylenol. Just don’t.
I was that friend in college that would swat Tylenol out of your hand if you were taking it for a hangover or pre-hangover. Like a one-woman public service announcement.
Says “uh-oh” before he farts.
“If every guy I knew reported something like this...” That comparison doesn’t exactly equate. In general, guys are stronger than women. I’m a guy, and there have been occasions where this has happened to me. The difference is, these occasions never inspired fear in me, because my strength allowed me to easily…
Ive been assaulted too, and i honestly think that if I told anyone, they would have either called me a liar or given me the whole ‘boys will be boys’ bullshit.
I was the victim of an attempted rape when I was 18. I went to a party about an hour away from home with these two guys I was friendly with, and the guy who drove got pissed off because I was making out with some guy I met at the party—see, I just thought that I was going to this party with some friends, and he…
For many of the same reasons you want to remain anonymous, I never reported when I was raped freshman year. I was drunk when it happened, and I knew what the narrative would be. I would like to say I regret that, but selfishly I can’t, I lived the life I felt I needed to at the time and it shaped who I became,…
One of the things I value so much, reading this story, is how clearly it shows the way that reporting someone isn’t always and shouldn’t be assumed to be a horrible excision of deep personal trauma—that the author reported him with the primary goal of keeping other women safe.
I loved this line: “I support Emma, but I am not Emma.” I experienced a sexual assault at a young age and sometimes I feel like I owe it to women to talk about it. But that’s not my process. I don’t owe it to anyone. Neither do you. Emma is wonderful, but you aren’t obligated to be her.
I really fucking hope tons and tons of people read this and realize that assault is a serious thing, and for some reason we keep treating it as ‘women are just lying bitches’ and THAT’S NOT FUCKING OKAY.
Thank you for having the strength to share your story.
Seriously, growing up I never even had a notion of the outright hatred, physical abuse, sexual and psychological abuse that women suffer and fear from men on a daily basis. Thank God I met, became friends with, worked with, and learned so much from all the dear women in my life. Although in many respects I was a…
I know, right? I went through a heavy historical romance novel period in my teen years - mostly because they satisfied both my horniness and love of history but once I outgrew that and developed more kinks and desires for sex and romance that just didn’t exist in romance novels, I was bored and gave up on them. Since…
they turned away people with medical. conditions. it’s an absurd rule to every possible degree.
I think every woman there should get on a plane and leave. Total boycott of Cannes. The only reason it has any relevance or credibility is because we assign it such. I’m pretty certain if we look hard enough, we can find a city that would love to host a film festival attended by the best and brightest in Hollywood.